Chapter 3

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She still can't move on from the surprising events that happened to her. She had this man who was badly beaten, she brought him to her house not knowing who he was and how he ended up beaten, she treated his wounds and now, this morning, that man had suddenly disappeared leaving a note.

She shook her head, closed her eyes and rubbed her nose bridge.

"Damn, what trouble did I get myself into this time?",she muttered taking a sip from her coffee.

"G'morning Dr. Dawson",the lady from the front desk greeted smiling at her.

"Morning Cherry",she smiled back at her and rushed to the elevator. She pressed the button waiting for the elevator to go up to the floor where her office is located.


The door opened and as soon as she went out, a man wearing black round cap, white vneck shirt and black pants bumped into her while going inside the elevator.

"Oh, sorry.."she apologized but she felt that the man's body (the arm that hit her) was very cold so she turned around to look at the man.

Her eyes widened with shock and fear. Her body shivered as she stared at the man inside the elevator. As the elevator door closes, the man lifted his head making her see his face clearer. The man had a pair of red eyes...a scary looking red eyes. He then smiled at her showing his two sharp fangs making her make a step backward. Before the door went shut, the man winked at her and whispered,"hey there Dr. Dawson"



She was staring out of nowhere unable to comprehend what she witnessed a while ago.

Door opens...

"Hey!",Shelly her bestfriend and at the same time one of the doctor in the hospital came and was surprised to look at her friend staring blankly at the wall.

"Oh!",Monique was startled and accidentally brushed her hand on the table causing some files and things to fall.

"My goodness Monique! What is wrong with you?",Shelly immediately picked up the mess scattered on the floor then looked at her friend's stressful face.

Monique closed her eyes then rubbed her face with her two hands.

"Just a little bit tired Shelly.",she smiled at her best friend who was 4 months pregnant. "Why are still working? You better stay home and get some rest!",she exclaimed with a worried face.

Shelly grabbed a chair and sat opposite to Monique as she raised her brow.

"Oh shut up Monique! I can still work okay, besides I'm 4 months pregnant! Not 8 months!",she reasoned out with matching hand gestures.

Monique shook her head with disapproval.

"I wonder what would John say, seeing his lovely pregnant wife working too much" Shelly was married last year and Monique was her maid of honor. They had been good friends since college and she was always there to support and comfort Monique. She loved Monique as if she was her own sister.

"Nah. I'm sure he'll understand. And besides, all I do is sit and talk -- is that stressful enough? I am starting to think my butt is developing some abs!",she rubbed her butt pretending to be worried about growing abs on it.

They both laughed and suddenly Shelly's expression changed from funny to serious.

"Why did you refuse the offer to work abroad?",she looked at her friend in the eyes.

Monique avoided her gaze and looked at the pen she was playing with her fingers.

"I told you we're done with that topic...",her tone was a bit sad.

"I know okay? But that could have been your biggest break! You can finally be out of this godforsaken hospital now owned by you-know-who", she was careful enough not to mention her friend's ex as agreed by both of them.

"I just don't feel like it okay. It's just that I love working here in our country and besides this is the biggest hospital and well...the salary is not that bad either.",she sighed.

"Well, i respect your decision. If that makes you happy then i'm happy about it also. I just hate seeing that Angelica bitch pestering you whenever she likes. Ughh!!! It makes me wanna kill her!!!"

Suddenly, Monique let out a loud laugh making Shelly looked confused.

"Okay? What was that?"Shelly

"Nothing (laughs) you look funny when your angry (laughs) especially with that (laughs) that (laughs) that big belly of yours!!!",Monique said trying to hold her laughter with tears of joy.

"Oh damn you Monique!!!", Shelly said gong near Monique. "I hate you!",she pouted. "But hey, have heard?"she leaned closer to Monique.

"About what?",she looked at her with confusion.

"These past few days, there had been a series of incidents and all victims had the same markings.",her tone was serious and full of suspense. "There were two small punctures on their neck!"

Suddenly, Monique felt a little bit uneasy, she felt nervous and at the same time scared .

"What do you mean?",she tightened her grip on the pen.

"They look like they had been drained. Aside from those cute punctures, some patients were pale...i mean paler than the rest and most of these "paler" patients died and those who were in better shape survived but suffered anemia and they couldn't even remember what happened before they were attacked!",she rubbed her belly while talking.

"What does the hospital say about this? This could have been done by some animal right?",she can't help but be scared and her voice was a bit shaking.

"Yeah, that's what they concluded, they said maybe it's some kind of  bloodsucking insect. They're investigating about it though. It's not like vampires exist! How absurd!",she said in disbelief laughing at the vampire part.

Memories from earlier flashed into her mind. The man from the elevator...his eyes and especially his long sharp fangs... Was it real? Or was he fooling around? Did she clearly saw it? Or she was just too tired and was starting to see things which doesn't even exist? Are vampires even real? What if she just met a vampire? What if he was a vampire? Does that mean she's in trouble because she saw what he is? But vampires aren't real! They never exist! But what if they do now?

"Earth to Monique? Hello?",Shelly shrugged raising both brows.

"Uh--oh, sorry",she rubbed her temple letting out a sigh.

"You know, you do need a rest. I'll come back and check on you later okay? Relax.",Shelly stood up and opened the door and waved at her.


"Nah, I think I'm going what's next? Zombies? Are we gonna have some Zombie Apocalypse?", she shook her head gently while laughing then pulled out some papers and studied each of them.

The Doctor Meets the Vampire [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now