Chapter 29

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3 days had passed after the incident but the pain of losing a member in the house still lingers. The kitchen which was once filled with laughter was now filled with silence. The smell of cigarettes from the kitchen was gone and the man, who was the best cook in the entire world was gone. Everyone was so devastated by it most especially Loisa.

Loisa was Ron's bestfriend. They became friends at the lab where they were rescued by Lucc and the others. They were a part of an experiment at a laboratory found under the desserts of Sahara by a bunch of scientists working under the hands of some terrorists who plans to use them as weapons for war. Loisa was so scared back then. She was treated harshly. She was electrocuted, stabbed, injected with so many who-knows-what kind of drugs just to make her a weapon and worst was that she was almost on the brink of death. Ron got there first before her and as a senior, he saw Loisa and comforted her, treated her as his own sister. Both of them had been through a lot. They were sent to assassinate people, both from the government up to famous people in the society...innocent or not, young and old.

Loisa lost her refuge, the pillar which she used to hold on to in times of trouble and harships and most of all, the only family she had. Loisa cried all day and refused to eat. She refused to take treatments from the serious wounds she had from the previous fight which could also lead her to her death. Mary, as the mother figure in the house decided to stay by Loisa's side until she recovers.

The house was a mess but with all the vampires around and with their supernatural speed and strength, everything was fixed the way they used to be.

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be lying on the bed, recovering",Lucas wrapped his arms around her waist.

She closed her eyes and sighed deeply. "i wish everything would be over soon...i don't want anyone around me dying...i want everything to end...",her eyes were starting to swell. "i...Ron...he was there you know...i'm a fckn doctor for christ sake! I'm a fckn useless doctor! I was supposed to save a life...i'm so useless...i'm such a burden..."

Lucas cut her off by pulling her gently, making her face him. He lifted up her face and looked at her straight in the eyes. "you are not useless and most of all, you are not a burden",he said wiping her tears.

"but i...",he cut her off again by placing his index finger on her lips. "ssh...things happen for a reason. Everything has a purpose. People come and go, that's life. You are not a god Monique. You did your best just like what a doctor is supposed to do. Maybe it was his time already and when He calls his creations to come back to him, there's nothing we can do about it. What you did back there was great Monique and no one in this house could have done such thing! You did well.",he tried the best he could to comfort her.

Monique hugged Lucc tightly with both arms wrapped around his waist making Lucc hug her by the shoulders combing her hair. "lucc...",she said between her sobs. "hmmm",he replied. "i don't want to lose you...",she said burying her face on his shirt. "you won't lose me Monique.",he answred. Monique loosened her hug from Luc and stared at him. "No, i want you to promise me.",she said sternly. "promise me that you won't leave me, and that you would always be by my side...i don't care how selfish i am right now but I want you to promise me that you will",she kept her gaze at him.

Lucc pinched her cheek and looked at her lovingly, "I promise, I will never and i will always be there for you, always..",then he kissed her forehead.


Meanwhile somewhere burning with flames...

A/n: Hell actually

"pllllleeaasseeee makkkeee itttt stooopppp",the soul begged. His flesh was rotting and burning for the past 6 days and still he never died. "killll meee stttoopp thisz",he begged even more.

"yeah. Yeah. Whatever. You should have thought of the consequences of the crimes you've done and i think you are fully aware of where you'll go when you do those things right?",he said while looking at the documents handed by one of his men in charge of the chamber. "yep, you knew. Well, enjoy the benefits of a sinner. Have a wonderful day",he smiled and left.

"NOOOO!!!",the soul screamed in agony.

"Sire! Sire!",Ombus, his assistant called out. You can easily identify him from afar because of his stout figure and bald head.

"what is it Ombus.",he sounds irritated for he knew that with his tone, it means he's being summoned again.

"Elder Yasha calls for you.",he said between his breath wiping off the sweat from his forehead. "gosh it's too hot today is it."

"oh really Ombus. That's funny. It's always hot in here idiot.",he said walking towards the veranda where he can see the portals opening for the new souls to be condemned. "tell them i'm busy.",he said fixing his red hair showing the skull earing on his left ear.

"no sire. Can't do that. The old man says NOW as in"the short guy said with a worried expression.

"ughhhh!!! What a boring life!!!",he screamed punching the rock railings breaking it into pieces which fell on the head of one of the guards below causing him to groan but not enough to kill him. "oh, sorry bout that!",he called out being happy by what had happened.

The huge double stone doors opened with a creak sound revealing a huge office loaded with tons of books and scrolls on the walls and a table located on a what seemed like a stage in the middle. He looked up at the man sitting on the stage with a table. "you called",he said with a bored sound.

The sound of the pen being placed in the table echoed throughout the entire room. "Come here.",the old man ordered. He lazily climbed up the brick stairs and reached the top of the stage and stood in front of Yasha, the chief advicer in the palace. "sit",the old man plainly said pointing at the chair in front of him.

"let's get down to business shall we.",the old man lowered his glasses and looked at him.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Hi to those who are reading this story right now. I hope to hear from you in the comment section. Or maybe there are ghost readers out there.


Thank you so much

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