Chapter 14

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The huge old wooden door towards the throne room creaked as the two guards opened them.

He bowed and kneeled.

"Well?",the man sitting on the throne asked, his tone was impatient. The throne room was dark and silent.

"None of them came back, your Highness.",he said still looking at the carpet.

The King shifted his position while tapping his fingers on the arm rest. The rings made a clicking noise while hitting the silver throne.

"15 newly turned vampires, eager to kill",his voice boomed throughout the entire room. "and there were 6 of them inside...",there was anger on his voice. He was getting impatient. "So tell me my trustworthy warrior, how did they manage to kill all of them?",the King was trying to suppress his anger upon knowing he had failed.

"The servants were quite skillful your Grace. We underestimated them.",he told him the truth. They were pretty good and somehow managed to get rid of the newly turned ones.

The King growled and screamed in frustration. He was raging with anger and went immediately towards one of the guards standing beside his throne piercing his sharp fangs onto his neck as the guard screamed in agony until nothing was heard anymore.


The King threw the body across the room. He was breathing heavily.

"Don't worry your Highness. This won't happen again",he assured him.

"You better make sure it won't",the King smirked wiping the blood on his mouth. "Or else you'll be next",the King glanced at the dead body.

He stood up and bowed before walking towards the door.

"Oh, and Odnam...i would like to meet this girl which Lucas was hiding.",the King smiled viciously as Odnam bowed again before getting out of the room.

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It was a cold evening. The place was so quiet except for the scraping sound of the shovel that he was holding. the moon shines bright lighting up the path he was taking. Well he doesn't even need the moon, being a vampire, walking in the dark was way too easy.

He came across an old tombstone with no name written on it. He tossed the shovel creating a thud sound as it hit something hard. Getting rid of the dirt, his hand felt the chains and the lock and made his way to the underground.

He came across two coffin sealed tightly.

He unlocked both of them and tossed the lid and cut his wrist letting his blood flow.

"Ugghh",the vampire with brown wavy hair groaned while sitting up on his coffin. "Shit! I felt like I was hit by a train!",he exaggerates while rubbing his temples.

Another groan was heard from the other side. "Oh, please don't tell us you woke us up just because you're lonely",the vampire came out of his coffin. His blond hair swayed as he walked towards Odnam who was smirking.

"You look terrible Xy",he laughed at his friend's appearance.

"Oh shut up! You look worst!",he rolled his eyes at Tyron who's flesh was starting to cover his entire body.

Xyrus shivered as he felt his body going back to what it was.

"I'd rather have you looking like a titan roaming around the Earth! You looked good without the skin",he mocked Xyrus.

"Oh get over it! You still can't accept the fact that I am more handsome than you",Xyrus who had the blonde hair stretched out his arms feeling the energy on his body.

"Enough of this nonsense!",Odnam walked towards the stairs. "I've got some work for both you. But before that, get dressed and let's hunt first."

The two vampires smiled at each other as they raced outside the cemetery.

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