Chapter 34

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The strong wind crashed violently on her face. She was swinging and bouncing. She tried to open her eyes but they were too tired and so as her whole body. "What's going on?",she asked herself. She can sense that she was carried "by who?", "to where?". Her head was throbbing in extreme pain with every movement the man made.

A few minutes passed, she was riding in a car and she fell asleep throughout the whole ride without any idea as to where she would be taken by the unknown man.

The stink of the place hit her as she woke up. It was so dark. "where am I?", she began to panic. The whole place reeks with a mix of rotten flesh and piss and the whole floor was sticky. There were rats somewhere in this dark place and the smell was suffocating.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps coming to where she was located. She listened carefully and it stopped a few meters from her.

An iron gate made a screeching sound and the footsteps continued creating a plopping sound due to the sticky ground. She tried to look around but she couldn't even see any figure near her.

"Is there something wrong sire?",the soldier asked him noticing his odd reaction as they were approaching the cell.

He was in utter confusion. There was this scent which he knew so well back then but it was faint or was it the stink of the place which made his senses go crazy? He certainly smelled and felt something familiar as they were getting nearer and so he stopped in order to clarify whatever his instinct was trying to tell him. "nonsense" he whispered to himself as he stared at the old rusty lock which was held by the soldier.

"Nothing. Just open it",he said with a cold tone trying to set aside the odd feeling he had a moment ago.

"So it's her", a strong deep masculine voice echoed throughout the darkness. It was scary and it sent chills to her whole body. She wriggled and tried her best to set her wrists free from the tight metal hoping to defend herself in case they might attack her but the more she resists, the more the metal gets tighter on her wrist and she could almost feel the blocking of blood from flowing to her hands.

She heard some bones cracking and looked to the other side where another voice came from. "Yes. She's indeed something of greater value to him.",the other man said. "What shall we do with her your grace?",the man asked.

"Your grace? So, the evil vampire king is here",she thought.

"Hmmm...they'll come to me for sure. Leave her. Let's go. We have a huge welcome party to prepare.",the King said walking away.

Soon the iron gates closed and the footsteps were fading.

She cried when she realized the situation she was in. They will use her as a bait to lure Lucas. They will kill him for sure.

Lucas will surely rescue her just like what he always do. She shook her head as she sobbed looking down. She is extremely useless. All she brought to him was trouble and nothing else. Danger was always around her. It would always get in their way just when they thought everything was going to be alright. She is just a burden...a heavy burden.

Yes, he always rescue her but who will save him now? What if he'll die? It's her fault....and she's sure of it. She was nothing but trouble and now, this trouble maker will be his death and she won't allow it. This time, she will definitely save him.



Heavy footstepss.

He looked at the door.

Another heavy footsteps...and this time it was faster...

His instinct was telling him something and he doesn't like the feeling he had right now.

He immediately got up and threw his chair across the room as he forcefully opened the door and followed the direction where the footsteps and the rushing sounds were coming.


Thug... Dug...

His heart was beating fast and it became worst when he realized the direction he was heading to...


There was a mix of worry, fear and as he got nearer, things got worst when he smelled the scent which he never want to smell....never.

He stormed right into the room when he saw that the door was wide open. He was furious when he saw the empty bed.

Argus was standing beside the empty bed. Leo went inside through the balcony followed by Tyron who looked so pissed.

"Gddammit!",Leo hissed as he pulled the torn curtain.

"You lost him!?",Argus screamed.

Leo was about to shout back at Argus but his eyes widened when he saw the furious looking Lucas. There were black smoke emitting from his body and his eyes were bloodier than ever, his fangs were coming out and his face --- it was undescribable. The beast he had been holding on for so long was nowhere to be tamed, now that his mate was abducted.

"Shit this is bad",Argus whispered as he stepped back into the corner looking cautiously at Lucas. He knew that if Lucas would be in his beastly state, he will attack anyone without hesitation. Lucas was wild and scary.

"Luc--",Leo called out gently but was cut off.

"rrr...where is she",Lucas snarled almost sounding like an animal.

Leo and Tyrone stepped back to the veranda.

"Im.gonna.fucking.kill.him",he said with a hint of threat in his voice.



She sat on her bed. Her whole body was bathe in sweat. He heart was rapidly beating.

"danger",she whispered as she stared at the wall.

Suddenly , the door from her bedroom was opened revealing a worried looking Laura hugging her favorite doll and behind her was her mom Felomina.

"Are you okay Selene?",Laura asked as she approached her and sat beside her on the bed.

She stared at the child's innocent face. She carressed her cheek gently and tears started to flow from her eyes.

"Selene?",Laura called out again holding Selene's hand.

She looked up to the child's mother who was standing in front of them with a worried expression.

Selene smiled. "Now, everything is clear.",she said as she wiped her tears.

Felomina went closer to her and hugged Selene. "I remembered everything Felo. I remembered...",she sobbed again.


(Back to Lucas)

"Dammit Argus! Stop him!",Leo yelled as he blocked Lucas leg from kicking his face.

"What do you think I'm doing?",Argus retorted.

"The rope",Tyrone called out to Leo.

The three of them were standing in front of Lucas who was chained on the basement. Loisa was standing behind them with her rifle ready to shoot Lucas in case he'd get loose while Mary was on the other side on a corner praying.

"IWILLKILLHIM!!!! DYOU HEAR ME!!!",Lucas yelled and with all his strenght, he tried to break the thick heavy chain that was tied around his body.

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