Chapter 5

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She was stunned by what she saw. Everything happened in slow motion. The window glass on her kitchen from her right where flying slowly with each pieces falling gently to the floor.  She even felt herself blinking slowly following her gaze to the falling pieces.

She snapped back to her senses when a strong wind came in which blew her torn curtains that fell on the floor along with the shattered glass. But what stunned her the most was the thing that came along with it.

She was terrified when she saw a figure standing in front of her leaning on the door with crossed legs while the arms were kept inside the pocket of the dark hoodie.

"Well waddoya know...",the stranger spoke as he lift up his arm to remove the hood.

Red...those rich deep color...

It was looking right at her -- devouring her with those menacing look as if the predator had set its eyes on its prey.

The man grinned showing excitement mixed with danger as he straightened out himself.

"Who are you?",she asked which almost seemed like a whisper. Her throat was dry...her body was starting to melt in terror.

"Don't ya remember me? Dr. Dawson", he grinned even more while emphasizing the last part as he stepped out from the shadows and went to the area where the light outside had reached.

"Yyyou!!!",she stammered realizing who the stranger was.

He took another step making fun of the fear that she was showing. Oh yes, he loves it when his prey shows fear it makes him feel powerful.

She tightened her grip on the knife with both hands. She clutched it so tight that her hands were turning white.

"Wwhhat do you want!",she tried to sound brave but her voice and body was betraying her. She slowly moved the opposite direction leaning on the sink, to the refrigerator, to the wall...anything that could support her wobbling knees.

The atmosphere was so intense. the surrounding became silent again. the shattered pieces of glass sparkled as it reflects the light outside. they were now moving in circles...slowly...looking at each other. The man seemed calm not even leaving his sight from her. He looked amused. On the other hand, she readied herself expecting an attack. She was aware that there were 3 shadows outside which means there were 2 more waiting, lurking around the corner.

"You see Doctor, we had this guy. Hmm...what shall i say...",he paused making a gesture as if her was thinking---a pretentious act. "Ah!",he gesture as if a lightbulb appeared right beside his head. "He somewhat made our boss a liiiitttleee bit upset.",he emphasized the word little showing some gestures with his fingers as if he was squishing something in the air in front of him.

"What are you talking about?",she gulped, she was sweating all over. "I don't know who you are referring to."

He smiled then pouted,"oh c'mon doctor. I haven't finished my story yet.",his voice was giving her goosebumps. He pretended to sound sweet as if he was a child begging to his mother. "So where were we?--oh! Yes. Yes. Hmm... He um..he made my boss upset -- furious! Yes!",he snapped his fingers as he leaped with happiness. "This guy was getting in the way. So we had to stop him",this time he made a sad face like a child who did something bad then confessed to an elder. "Wait. Stop? Or should I say...kill him",and there goes his creepiness. He made an evil smile, a smile so wide that it could reached up to his ears. He seemed so proud saying those words.

"You've gone mad! What is wrong with you!",she was filled with mixed emotions. She was now facing a psycho--a red eyed psycho. Why was she involved with his boss' matters? What did she ever do?

He moved towards her then stopped. The only gap between them now was the small round table.

"No",he gripped the edges of the table. She was terrified when she saw his nails. They were starting to grow longer and sharper scraping the table.

"Please...i donntt kknnoow whatt yyou're ttalking abbout...please don' kkill me..",she couldn't help but cry, letting each tears fall down to her cheek to her white long sleeve shirt.

"Why shouldn't i?",his voice was calm but scary, sending her a warning. He was trying to hold his eagerness, his excitement to kill. "If it weren't for my stupid men thinking beating him would kill him and most especially...if it weren't for your so called act of kindness...I wouldn't be sent here personally to take care of this mess!!!",his voice echoed throughout the house which startled her.

He started to slowly go around the table putting the sharp nail of his index finger on it making sharp ear piercing noise as he scratch it making lines along the way then stopped when he was right in front of her and placed his finger on the tip of the knife she was holding.

"The moment you brought him here and treated his were getting on our way already...and you know what?", He raised his other hand to comb his brown hair which got messed up. His hair is cast to one side without part and the fringe is slightly longer than the rest of the upper head. "I hate people poking their noses on things they should not be involved with. Have you heard of the saying : Dawson?",his voice was threatening. He looked at the knife she was holding then pinched his finger on its tip causing blood to flow down to her shaking hands.

He lifted his injured finger then licked the blood staring straight at her.

"Pplleasse...",she begged with teary eyes.

He then looked at the knife with his blood on it. Then smirked. "Are you gonna kill me doctor?" She shook her head. "Tsk.tsk.tsk. too bad..", he looked at her with his red piercing eyes. "Because I will"

She dropped the knife then ran immediately to the living room but she was blocked by another stranger with another dangerous red eye.

She ran towards her bedroom and opened the door but there was already someone waiting standing in front of her when she opened the door.

She was helpless. There were 3 men in her house who want her dead. What did she ever do to deserve this? She cried as she stepped back.

"Doc-tor--Daw-sooonn???",the man from the kitchen called out. "You forgot your knife"

The man from the living room and her bedroom took a step towards her which made her run back to the kitchen.

She was on the verge of life and death...but death was sure this time.

She gasped when she was pulled and pinned on the wall beside the door to her kitchen.

"",she whimpered. Goodness she wasn't ready to die! She do not want to die! She had to beg to survive.

His hands cupped her cheeks, holding her steady to meet his gaze. "What a waste. You're way too pretty to die doctor. What a beauty." He sniffed her and then stared at her. She too felt stiff as she stared back at him. She felt something strange. Her stomach was acting strange--funny...her body too.

The staring competition between the two was interrupted when the man from the living who had a crow tattoo on his left arm came with a worried look. "Fck this Lucas! We're not just the ones after her!",he lowered his voice then listened to the surroundings.

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