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Chimin Grey accepted your friend request

Yoongi mouth fell open. "He really did". Yoongi immediately clicks on the voice chat to talk to him.

Chimin- Hello?

Yoongi wanted to squeal at the man's soft but beautiful voice.

Me- I am so sorry to bother you.

Yoongi was flustered. The Min Yoongi flustered by a voice, how pathetic. The man giggles over the chat and Yoongi's heart stop.

Chimin- Relax, I'm not going to hurt you or anything. I was just surprised at someone that wasn't my online friend was talking to me.

Me- O-oh ok.

Yoongi bangs his characters head on a tree. This man was ruining his swag, Yoongi thought. Yoongi took a deep breath and continued his conversation with this mysterious man.

Me- I'm sorry I'm not a talker.

Chimin- So I noticed *giggles*.

'Stop doing that'. Yoongi says to his self.

Me- So-sorry.

Chimin- Stop stuttering, it's fine. And besides I should be the one that's awkward, since a totally stranger is talking to me.

Me- I guess that's true.

Chimin- See there you go. I'm a totally sweetheart... Just with a big bitchy attitude. Blame my mom.

Me- *chuckles*. You're fine trust me.

Chimin- I know, I'm fine but thank you. You can blame that on my dad. *giggles*.

Game Lovers (Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now