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I stared at my phone, forgetting once again about the deadline I had to make. Why hadn't there been any answer? Their tour has been over for nearly a week now, so surely he'd gotten the letter. Maybe he was waiting a few days to go through the fan mail? I knew he deserved a break, but I couldn't help feeling anxious.

They were rare, but there had been cases where a person found their soulmate, only to be rejected because the other person didn't want to be tied down by a soulmate. Honestly, I had no idea whether Tae might think he was just to busy right now for a soulmate. I mean, he was really nice, but he had a really big career right now and having a soulmate could make his image less appealing. That wouldn't be good for him or the rest of the band!

Oooh wait. Wouldn't he be preparing for Festa now? Pabo Y/N! He probably hasn't had time to answer, soulmates or no.

I had been thinking about what it would be like, being the soulmate of an Idol. It would probably be like this a lot if we were together; me waiting and waiting for him to not be busy and send me a single text.

I found myself thankful for my deadline now as I refocused. I was in my footy pajamas and armed with my k-cup caramel cappuccino to ward off sleep. I was probably going to have to pull an all-nighter to make my deadline at 6 tomorrow morning, so I had gotten prepared.

It was nearly midnight when my phone buzzed.

I stretched, flexing my wrists and rolling kinks out of my neck before I checked to see who on the ever loving planet was messaging me at this unholy hour.



I stared at my phone for a minute. Korean? Had Tae gotten my letter?

I wrote back quickly.


Hello! What's up?


Ummm, this probably seems really weird and random, but could you send me a picture of your soulmate mark? I don't mean to be rude, just kind of hoping.


Mind if I ask why?

I knew it was most likely Taehyung at this point, but I wanted to be sure.


This probably sounds really bad, but I lost my soulmate and I'm trying to find her.


Oh! Ok, hang on... Here you go!

(Insert picture of mark)

By the way, are you Kim Taehyung from BTS? Can I see your mark?

Pabo Y/N! Who else could it be at this point? I think to myself.


(Insert picture of mark)

Does this ring a bell?

I almost screamed. It was! OH MY GOSH! HE GOT MY LETTER! YEEESSS!


Tae! I've been waiting hoping you got my letter! I felt like such a pabo when I got to my friend's car after the fanmeet and she noticed the mark on my wrist!!

Change contact name to "My Soulmate"?


I Lost my Soulmate Kim Taehyung X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now