Meeting the Guys (Again)

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"Are you sure you're going to be alright?"

Tae was asking if I was really going to be okay meeting the guys again. Last time it was only a fanmeet, and I can't lie; it's like going home to meet your boyfriend's parents, I'm that nervous.

But because I don't want to worry Tae I say "I'll be fine. Let's get inside!"

He gives me his signature boxy grin as we head for the door, melting away my butterflies so I could smile too. The way his very presence soothed me and made me happier brought my mind back to a question I wanted to forget but knew I couldn't.

When the time comes, will I be able to leave Korea? Or am I already too attached to Tae?

There was a spring in Tae's step as we neared the door, and an extra sparkle entered his eyes. It was easy to tell this meant the world to him, and I resolved to act natural so I wouldn't ruin it.

Tae threw the door open and yelled cheerfully "We're home!"

I knew he meant it as a greeting to the guys, but I felt a cozy warmth sneak into my heart along with the ridiculous image of kids running to greet us calling "Eomma! Appa!" 

What is wrong with me? Soulmates or not, we barely knew each other! We weren't even officially dating! I tried to clear my head as the guys came running into the room, greeting Tae joyously.

"Tae! We weren't expecting you for a few more days at least!" Jin's voice carried above the others as he came from what had to be the kitchen in an apron.

"Is this your soulmate?" Jimin half-froze in place as the question left his mouth, and Kookie barreled past him.

"Your back!" the Golden Maknae pounced, engulfing my soulmate in a bear hug.

"Let the man breathe Kook, he just got back!" Namjoon scolded mildly, pulling Kookie off and slapping Tae on the back.

Suga flopped into the couch, biding his time. "So much noise..." he muttered, but I figured tha fact that he'd bothered to come into the room at all showed he was glad of his dongsaeng's arrival.

"Yah, Jimin! of course she's his soulmate, why else would he bring her?" Eomma Jin mode obviously kicking in as he shook a wooden spoon at the member he scolded.

"J-HOOOPE!" I wondered what had taken him so long to enter as he plowed through the others to grab me and Tae in a really tight hug.

My first words in the dorm were "Jhope... I... Can't..."

"Man, I just told Kook to let 'em breathe!"

Namjoon was laughing as J-hope hastily released us.

"Annyeong, Y/N! I'm your hope..." a collective groan went up as he continued "You're my hope, I'm J-hope!"

"Yah, do you really have to do that every time?" Jimin asked, and everyone laughed when J-hope just looked at him like duh?

"Welcome to the dorm, Y/N!" Jin said, sticking his hand out. "As you know, I'm Jin, worldwide handsome! Since you know who all of us are, let's just have our late lunch, shall we? It's a good thing I always cook extra!"

I smiled up at Tae, and he was grinning at me so hard his face was about to split in two.

"Sounds good to me!" I answered, looking back to Jin. Everyone cheered and started towards the kitchen.

I Lost my Soulmate Kim Taehyung X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now