Why Now?

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It was the next morning, and by some miracle Emily and RJ had gotten all of my stuff cleaned out of my apartment without running into my parents.

How had they known about my soulmate? Did they know who it was? How had they gotten my number, let alone my old address in America? Would they hurt Emily? No, she had RJ to protect her.

And NOBODY messed with RJ. That guy was ripped. The only place he didn't mind people was the gym, so he went there a lot.

I texted her right that moment to try and stay with RJ. My parents were psychos, so there was no telling what they might try. At least if she was with RJ I knew it would stay as a "try".

I squeaked as Tae pulled me back down onto the bed.

"Go back to sleep." He murmured, and my heart fluttered hearing his morning voice, lower than usual and a bit rough. Some might think it contradicted the sweet face on the pillow beside me, but it seemed like a harmony to me.

I smiled, but I couldn't quite relax despite his arms around me.

He obviously felt it because his brows furrowed a bit as he peeked at me, some of the early morning sunlight falling across his face.

"What's wrong?" his concern was evident in both his face and his tone.

"I'm still afraid of what my parents will try to do." I admitted.

His arms tightened around me, but he nodded for me to continue.

"They completely controlled my childhood, and even made me think it was something wrong with me. I thought if I was only a better kid for them then I would deal with it, and that the things they did were acceptable."

"What changed that?" He asked softly, knowing I needed to get it out.

But I was a little embarrassed. I dropped my eyes and smiled a little.

"I never would've imagined then that you were my soulmate." I smiled and used a little bit of a stall to build up my courage a bit more. "When I was watching your MV's and listening to your music, fighting my way out of depression, I really never would have thought that a member of my new favorite band was my one and only."

His eyes went all soft, and I thought he was going to cry again. Maybe he did, too, but he just held me close so I couldn't see and kissed my forehead.

"I wouldn't want anyone else. I wouldn't have picked anyone else for me." he confessed to me softly.

I smiled, and wanted to answer, but Jin knocked and called in that breakfast was ready.

"We'll be there in a minute!" Tae yelled, and we both got out of bed. No, we hadn't gone... places... We both wanted to wait, and after all, we were soulmates and he was already planning on asking me to marry him. We had a lifetime ahead of us!

We also just wanted to experience the sweet things a relationship had to offer. That could take awhile, with his crazy schedule that was kicking back in today as well as my work. But hey, we were more than happy just having found each other. We didn't even see this as taking it slow, we saw it as taking it fun!

Not surprisingly, J-hope was already shining his sunshine self all over the kitchen when we got down, and Jungkook was ready to eat, wiggling in his seat with impatience.

We made it halfway through our meal before my phone rang.

It was my parents again.

My blood ran cold. Had they really already gone to my apartment?

I stared at my phone as it rang, not even declining the call.

A couple minutes after it quit ringing, I put the new voicemail on speaker.

"Honey, we're standing outside of your apartment.

"We know you're in there, so you might as well come say 'Hi' to your dear old mum and dad."

The message ended there, but they were calling again too. Had they discovered that I wasn't there after all?

I managed to eat a few more bites as it rang.

A few minutes later we listened to another voicemail.

"Cute. Really cute young lady. You really think you can just get rid of your parents so easily? We know who your soulmate is, so do you really think you'll be able to hide? That cute little Korean boy, do you really think he and his glittery boy band can protect you?

Mummy and Daddy are coming, and you can't get away. Why don't you just come along and spare yourself and that kid some trouble?"

Then my father's voice cut in.

"You remember that one visitor we had? He'll find you no matter where you are or what you do. You can't hide from us baby. I hope you're ready for our family reunion when we find you."

The message ended.

I was trembling. What one visitor? There were tons of them. Who could they have been-

Tae put his arms around me and hugged me to his chest, stopping my train of thought.

There was silence around the table until RM spoke.

"I'm calling the police. If they can't get here soon enough, I'll have them come to the studio and we can ALL meet them there."

I knew he meant that I would come with them. Before these calls, I probably would have fangirled over getting to watch them practice a such. Now I just clung to Tae for support, because even sitting down I felt weak.

Tae coaxed a few more bites into me, but I just couldn't eat much more. So while the rest of them finished eating real quick, he carried me to the couch to cuddle.

"I'm so glad I could be your strength, even before we ever met. I promise I'll be here for you even more now. If you want, I won't leave your side until this is over, I promise." he whispered to me, his warm breath grazing over my ear.

I sat there, silent. He pressed his lips to my cheek gently, and we sat quietly until it was time to go.

The guys were really understanding too. Jungkook and Jimin even carried Tae's things so that he could carry me out to the car, because as RM had suspected, the police wouldn't be able to get there before they had to go.

I felt it would be safer with all the staff members around anyways.

RM filled Hitman Bang in, and he was horrified that my parents were like that.

"Please, feel free to stay in my office until they arrive." he said to me.

"May I stay with her?" Tae asked immediately.

I really didn't want Tae to leave, but I knew he needed to go practice. So even though I was pretty sure Hitman Bang was about to say yes, I said "I'll be okay Tae. Please, go ahead and go to practice."

"I'll call you when the police come." Hitman Bang was quick to add.

So eventually, Tae left for practice after giving me one last kiss on the cheek.

As soon as he left, I wished he hadn't, because my father's words "You can't hide from us baby" began to echo through my mind.

I turned on music and put in my earbuds to block out my thoughts until the police arrived.

Hello again readers! Since my last update, we have hit 1.2 K reads! Thank you all so SO much!

Thank you to everyone who has voted and added my stories as well. We've hit 83 votes! So close to 100 I'm JUNGSHOOK!!!

You guys are all so AmaJin, I can't believe this! Thank you all so much again!! I'm legit flipping out, this means so much to me! Please comment your opinion on the story, or at least leave me a *high five* ! I would love to get to know all of my readers!

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