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Two Days later

Tae's POV:

I was worried sick. After singing me a beautiful lullaby that night, Y/N had disappeared!

Her friend that had come with her to the fanmeet had found her phone by a park bench about a ten minutes walk from her apartment the day after, and the police had found no trace of her. Yet here I was in Korea, unable to do anything but wait in agonizing ignorance while my soulmate was in trouble!

The idea of ditching and going to find her was constantly nagging me, but Hitman Bang had specifically forbidden it. There was no telling who had her, and my going to help could endanger her and would hurt my career. In his mind and those of the guys', it was out of the question.

When my phone rang I flinched and grabbed it, hoping with all my heart that she was calling me to tell me she was fine, but instead I was greeted by a withheld number.

Normally I would have ignored it, but the need to do something, anything, was enough to make me answer.


There was shuffling on the other end of the line.

"Hello, pretty boy. I know it's daytime in Korea, so I'm glad you picked up. Otherwise your cute little soulmate would've been at the bottom of the Han River 5 days from now and nobody would've been the wiser. You certainly wouldn't have seen her again."

My eyes widened and I swallowed a shout of horror and anger.

"What do you mean? Where is she?" I demanded.

"Calm down, pretty boy. She's right here, safe and sound. I promise you she'll stay that way too, at least until five days from now."

I swallowed again, my mouth quickly drying from fear. "What do you want? Name it."

"What does everybody want, pretty boy? Money, of course. The overseer of all. For exactly 2 million in cash, you can have her back. But I'm afraid without the dough I'm afraid there's no telling what will happen to her. Maybe it'll be the Han River, maybe not. Either way it's on you. Leave the money on ******* bridge by midnight five days from now, or she's mine. Bring it een one second after and I'l keep her and the dough for wasting my time.

"Five days, pretty boy."

"Where are you taking me?" I didn't understand what she said, but I'd know that voice anywhere.

It was Y/N.

The line went dead.

I stared at my phone for a count of three.



My heart sank to my stomach... well, what was left of it after not getting fed for two days. I. Was. STARVING!

"Hey, if you're telling him I'm fine, at least feed me, is that to much to ask?" I muttered to myself as I was dragged through what appeared to be a mostly empty warehouse.

"We're not a drive-through sweetheart." the guy dragging me growled.

"Don't 'sweetheart' me, I'm not your girlfriend." I snapped back. Beyond hungry as of 24 hours ago, I was hangry. (Hangry: hungry to the point of anger. Use extreme caution around people who have succumbed to such a condition.)

He shrugged. "Your loss. If you were my girlfriend, you wouldn't be in this mess."

"You've got us switched around. I pity your girlfriend, if you even have one. No girl would want to be chained to that mauled horse-face of yours."

He glared and dragged me a bit faster. "Watch that mouth, girl, you have no room for negotiations"

"Oh and your just going to throw away your chance at 2 million smackaroos? Gimme a break. I wouldn't be able to talk if I had food in my mouth."

"You can't talk if your gagged either, now SHUT UP."

"Like, no. Feed me. Then I'll shut up, and not before."

For some reason he looked nervous. "Look, just shut..."

I saw my advantage and took it.

"Just get me a burger or something, I'm not picky." I cut him off and raised my voice so that he wasn't the only member of my audience. "Heck, I'd take a dry baloney sandwich and I hate that stuff, but after two freaking days I'll take just about anything."

That raised some eyebrows.

"You haven't fed her? Dude, that was your only job this past couple days. Stop and get the girl a burger on the way, boss'll kill you if he finds out."

Me: 1

Horse-Face: 0

Horse-Face scowled, and I could tell he was mad I'd gotten him in trouble. I was to hangry to care. Instead, I was having a victory party in my mind.

"Would you make that a three patty burger with everything? Maybe a milkshake and some fries? Lord above knows I can eat it, since apparently somebody didn't do his job."

The rest of the guys laughed. "Yeah, get her the full order. She deserves it, I haven't seen somebody dare to sauce you for years man!"

I could understand that, looking at his massive six-and-a-half foot frame that had no shortage of muscle. Lucky me he'd get in trouble if I wasn't doing well.

Judging by the look on his face, he hadn't been humiliated in awhile.

Me: 2

At this rate, maybe I'll at least get some enjoyment out of sassing this guy. I know I'll have to work hard to keep my 2-point lead. It could be a close game!

Lord above help me, I can't help smirking. After I've eaten and regained what little sense I have I'll probably kick myself for starting this, but I'm no quitter.

Hi guys, long time no update! I'm so sorry, but I've been really busy. I'll try to update more often. I couldn't get an image to load at the top, but I'll try to get one in there soon.

For now, shout out to TeahBeck98, thank you for your votes! They are very much appreciated! When you guys show me your support you motivate me to write more and write better, so please let me know what you think!

And another shout out to my friend darkmatter9494! Thank you for voting and for adding me to your reading list, I feel honored! Also, thanks for following me! I wrote this one longer just for you!

We're over a hundred reads, which I honestly was not expecting. Thank all of you so much! I purple you guys!

Until next time! Bye~

I Lost my Soulmate Kim Taehyung X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now