Police Again

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I found myself answering an officer's questions again soon enough.

As he had promised, Hitman Bang had sent somebody to get Tae the minute the police arrived, and I was glad to have his arm around my shoulders when the officers entered the room.

Questions, questions, questions.

Before I could really process what was happening, my life story was poured out all over the place for everyone in the room.

Everyone in the room being several officers and all the boys. Apparently they couldn't focus on practice, and Hitman Bang had thought it would be better for them to be able to hear everything the police might say first-hand to keep from having to explain everything a few million times anyways.

While I told about my childhood, I couldn't meet anybody's eyes. As I had confessed my deepest secrets, I found myself crying.

The police gave a set of basic safety precautions and left the room to contact higher authorities, since my parents were still in America as far as we knew.

I finally peeked up at everyone else, only to be greeted by stunned, tear-stained faces.

J-hope was still sniffling, his brows furrowed a bit and squinting as though he were still trying not to cry more.

Jimin was unashamedly sharing a tissue box with Jungkook, who was trying to play it cool despite needing to dab his eyes with unusual frequency.

RM looked about ready to tell someone off big time, and even Yoongi's normally passive face registered anger.

Jin just came over and hugged me, holding tight like he would never let go.

"We're your family now, and we'll never, ever hurt you." He said, and Tae nodded affirmation as he wrapped his arms around both of us.

Jimin stood up hesitantly, then came over and joined the hug... Then Hobi, and soon after Jungkook followed as well.

Two members later and I was in the center of a BTS group hug.

I had already cried some telling Tae about it. But here and now, surrounded by the guys I'd admired so long because of how much of a family they were, with them not only accepting me but pulling me deep into their family...

I cried. The tears washed away my hurt from all those years, because all those years of hidden longing for a real family were over.

I had found a home and family to belong too.

"They won't take you away from me, I promise." Tae whispered against my neck.

Probably due to the group hug though, everyone heard it.

"YAH!! What about the rest of us?!" Somehow Jin pulled away and looked horribly offended. "She's our sister now you know!"

"Yeah Pabo!" Jungkook grinned and smacked Tae upside the head.

Jimin piped up. "What he MEANT to say," he paused and glared at Tae for added effect, "Is that WE promise they won't take you from US."

"I'd like to see them try." Yoongi snarled, surprisingly fierce. He'd been really quiet, but his anger over my past was apparent.

Moments ago, I had been crying and bidding a past piece of my life goodbye. Now I found myself laughing.

The boys looked at me, surprised, as the group hug slowly unraveled so they could get a better look. Tae's arms were the only ones that stayed firmly in place, his hands clasped at my waist and his chin nestled onto my shoulder.

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