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Jk Pov

It was nearly half nine, I couldn't believe it was taking him so long. Just for a few minutes as I left my eyes roam free I'd lost him, and now all I could do was stand at the exit waiting for him to come by so we could have our little talk.
Suga wasn't asleep this time so I decided to ask him something I hadn't thought about.

"Now that I've found the witness what am I supposed to do?"

"Simple. You've got to use him to communicate with this world. Like you're the mastermind behind his actions."

"Wait so when we do find the murderer he will have to kill him? I don't think I want that it's unfair-"

"Well if you're so against it we could just request it from the rulers of the above. Just get him captured by the police by the very least and leave the rest up to the rulers."

"Alright. Then they'll let me live again right?"

"Yes, but don't get your hopes up too high. We don't know if your witness will be willing to help. You'll probably have to make a deal in which you can both be of help to one another."

"Hmm that makes sense."

"Right then good luck Kook, I've got to go back up home for a week or two."

"Why?!" But it was too late, Suga had already disappeared.

"Taehyung, wait!!!!"

"No hyung, I'm fine I'll see you tomorrow."

I could see him finally come running towards me, a pained expression on his face with the tears glistening on his cheeks under the moonlight. I couldn't help myself from becoming worried.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, don't ask please? Just, let's go from here." He answered in between sobs, and as he got closer to me he grabbed onto my hand pulling me along.

I'd never felt a single thing since I'd died but this person is actually able to make physical contact with me, and not only that but I could feel a gentle warmth radiating from his hand. It made me feel relaxed and less... alone.

I could tell he was breaking down even more when his pace had no rhythm and was slowing down, so I took the lead and led him to my favourite spot in the city. I ran even faster than I was and came to a sudden halt which made him bump into my chest. I wrapped my arms around his waist and lifted him up to the top of the skyscraper. He gasped and I could tell he was scared, I chuckled a little. As gently as I could I made his feet make contact with the roof.
His legs wobbled like crazy and he wouldn't let go of my arms.

"Wha- what just happened!!! A-a-am I, d-did we really just fly?" His face was so stunned that I could tell he'd long forgotten about what had pained him in the first place and that me feel relieved.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't bring you here unless it was safe. Do you wanna talk about what just happened?"

He was still shaking slightly so I made us sit down, crossing my legs while he copied me.

"...is it okay if I say no, I mean I truly appreciate you're trying to make me feel better, just, I'd rather not talk about it." His gaze was shifting nervously but I just pat his back.

"Of course it's alright. Anyway let's get to business. What's your name?"

"M-my name? Oh right, it's Taehyung, Kim Taehyung."

"Ah, well mine is Jungkook."

"Wait, you have some explaining to do!!" He almost leapt onto me.

"Yes yes, that's why we're here. Well, I don't know where to start though."

"How about, what are you?"

"Your answer is I don't know. I suppose I'm like a spirit or ghost. I died, you're the witness which is why you're able to make contact, see and hear me. You see, I've been told if I can get my murderer captured my life will be given back to me. Ah I must be sounding crazy and selfish..."

"No way. So you're the guy that got stabbed before my eyes a few months ago?!"

"Yes I think."

"So what do you want from me then?"

"I need you to help me. I have to find the killer and get him caught but since I can't touch or feel anything you'll have to do it all for me."

"That doesn't sound too appealing..."

"I know it's a lot to ask, which is why I'm willing to do something for you too. It's up to you whether you want it to be now or when I come back to life I guess."

Taehyung still had a puzzled look on his face, and after some thought he spoke,
"I'll help you out I guess, but it has to be after my working hours, and only when I'm feeling up for it, not on days when I'm working till late. And about what I want from you, let's make it my one wish that I'll ask for whenever I decide, deal?"

"Woah, I seriously didn't expect you to agree so fast. I'm truly thankful Taehyung, thank you. And yes, deal."

"Haha okay that's all isn't it."

"Yes I guess, but I'm sure you're still feeling a bit overwhelmed, come here and take a look at this view you'll feel slightly better."

"Wow! It's beautiful!"

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"Wow! It's beautiful!"

"Yh, it's what I see everyday."

"Wait so you kinda live here?"

"Yh you could say that. Somehow this view is captivating. But it's frustrating how it's all a facade when the world in reality is so dark and twisted with people yearning for their selfish desires."

"You must have had a hard life huh?"

"... ah sorry I got carried away never mind that. Anyway I'll drop you off back down and I'll meet you tomorrow."

"Oka-aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!! Yah! You cant do that!! Just coz they can't see you doesn't mean they can't see me. It probably looks like I'm flying through the air! Are you even listening!"


Yay I'm on a roll with updates I'm gonna keep going till I run out of ideas I hope you enjoy and have a good day!!! 💜💜💜

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