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Standing in front of my locker searching for my Boss cologne while I listen to Max and Peter talking about the new group of students transferring to our school this year.

"There will be plenty of fresh meat now" I hear from Peter were his half dress and his footy gear is everywhere in front of him on the floor.

I put my jersey on.  "Not for you they wont be" I give him a little shove that sends him off balance.

"Hey man, don't go there, there might be all fucked up anyway..." Max pulls his shorts up and rolls his green eyes when we don't answer him "There from that school that got burnt down a few months back? Just a few suburbs away from us, didn't you see it on the school blog or NEWS " Max giving us a confident nod.

"Who even reads the school blog and NEWS Seriously!? Your such a Geek!" I close my locker sending echo sounds through the boys room.

Max try's to whip lash my ass as I grab one off the towel rank and do the same.

"Oh Well, Just sweet talk your way in, once you now.... lubricated it, it'll be alright, Fucked up meat we having then!" Peter jokes as he laughs and puts his fist into the air thrusting his groin

"Your disturbing" I throw a towel at his face.

The rest of the boys from our football team comes into the locker room and we start to hear the crowd outside getting louder.

I stumble to my phone to reply to Sophia's text message.

*Hey Babe, you free tonight? Eggplant and Water emoji * Fuck she is so annoying, I can already hear her high pitch voice just by reading the text, we could just do doggy style and that would be alright; that way I don't need to see her face.

*Sure meet you at mine ...after the game dirty girl, Back space; go through the back door"* A few seconds past as my phone beeps.

*Sneak peak ?* It sounded tempting but I wasn't in the mood for it as I wanted to focus on the game more.

I type back as coach Mark enters the room from his office into the boys locker room.

*Go Find Sam* I felt a smirk on my lips as i'm remembering her going off with him right after slapping my face in the hallways six weeks ago.

*Go screw yourself ! Angry Face and rude finger emoji* I decided to ignore the message as I know it'll annoy her.

Sophia was the Co-Captain of the cheerleaders squad of our football team called Bredrin, I only know that because her and Brooke had a lash out fight for claiming the title in the food court at school, only when Brooke ended up with a black eye and a broken nose; Sophia got booted out of the team. So I don't see Sophia that much now only for a quick fuck which we both don't mind, before all that happened we dated off and on for about a year but it was nothing serious, she would see other guys and I would see other girls, then we would date again, fuck, fight and cheat, it went in circles but this year I know it'll be different, that I hope so.

Maybe it'll be good to have a fresh meat like what Peter had said ; maybe Max is right they'll be all fucked up in there own little ways and maybe I need that challenge.

Mark hits my padded shoulder with his right hand to get my attention as he snatches the phone out of my hands and blows his red whistle "Come on boys, get around and plan our game strategies and I expect our Team Captain...will be a full attention tonight!" Mark swings his head my direction then moves back to the rest of the boys as he pulls my phone in the air. "As for this" he shakes my phone into the air like a prize winner. "will be suspended until the end of the day and that goes for all you too; if i see another person with a damn phones in hands!"

"Yes Coach!" Everyone says at the same time like a matching beat of a music note.

Mark pulls his hand to his ear to my side waiting for my response.

"Yes Coach" I say between gritted teeth as I push my thangs into my gums with my index finger and thumps. Max turns slightly my way at what looks like his concerned "Control it would you" we start to shuffle into a hurtle circle, hitting each others padded shoulders "I'm trying" My voice sounded shaky. Why am I losing control; it isn't even a full moon yet?

"William what do you think of the game plan?" Nick the Co-Captain says as the rest of the team looks straight at me.

"No that's a horrible plan" Even though I wasn't listening I just didn't agree. My plans are always better.

*** Hello all, I hope you like reading this two chapters as much as I have been writing them, there are going to be more Chapters, please keep in mind it is going to be a slow pace because I want this story to come to life and an easy read. thank you for reading my book, Please Vote and comment away!***

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