Sabrina & The Jerry Cans

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William wears a white t-shirt but now its gone a tone of light brown because of the dirt tracks, he gets out of the truck throwing his helmet off his head and then pulls his pants straps twice pulling his pants up slightly with it.  Max comes up to him in glee fisting his hands in the air as Cody gets out of his truck that it all smash at the front but he looks untouched beside's his right sleeve been teared slightly. Cody throws his helmet onto the fence and swears in rage.  Lisa and I won one hundred seventy tonight over the bet that William won, we brought everyone ice creams from an ice truck outside the stadium as we wait for the crazy rush to get out of the dirt car park. Some groups did the same as us and other's  went through the rush, some made it and two other's crash into each other that they got out when we did which was an hour later.  Hannah and Max invite's us for a hike this Saturday coming but Dee and the four of them decline it as there are  against it; hiking isn't there thing.  "Sure I'll come along" I nod my head in delight as I bite into my cone. "Awesome, meet you at Wheels ?"  I nod my head in agreement as Emily knocks my elbow to sign that they want to go home. "Alright ems" I say under my breath to her.  Hannah waves bye as Lisa comes behind taking off her Banana suit showing her black suit of leggings and jumper.  "Hey Sabrina" Williams voice shouts my name giving me warmth to my cheeks of embarrassment as other people turn their heads my way, he jogs up to me  fixing his grey cap on his head that matches his style of the 1950's.  " Here you go" He holds a Jerry can in his hands that he usually has in the back of his Ute.  "How did you" Ben cuts me off thanking William. "Thank you for that" I did ask Max if I could use his Jerry can that he had towards the end of the show when William drove into Cody's back side of the truck. It's probably was Max's Jerry Can but when I walked past his car his two Jerry cans were still there not touch at all.   "Your a life Saver thanks Wheels" Dee says in her flirtation voice when she gets into the back sit of my car. My jaw tightens up at Dee's voice and the heat on my skin starts surfacing but the slight  cool touch of Williams fingers tangles within mine makes it fade away. "You are my twin flame Sabrina, I choose you" His fingers reach out to my chin as he leans slightly giving me a slow wet kiss. My heart felt like it stop  beating with what William had done;  once he pulls away a big shock of a beating wave goes through my body that leaves me breathless. I haven't  said anything yet; Williams eyes gaze's while his hands embraces my face waiting for an answer but a few seconds to long, he lets go and giving me a soft smile.  I hadn't  said nothing catching up on breathing, he starts walking away and that's when my chest explodes  of words. "William...You did great tonight... with the race and all that " Great one Sabrina, my mind tells me as my spiritual self kicks me in the shins.  I turn around to see the three girls in happiness and some what shock of what matches my face expression  of what that he'd she said; through the inside window of the car. Ben finishes with the Jerry Can putting it in the boot of the car.  "I'll refill it for him tomorrow I guess, maybe you can give it back?" Ben shrugs his shoulders as he close's the boot  giving me a smirk and walks to the front of the car.   "Oh be quite" I laugh escapes out of my mouth entering the drivers sit putting the radio on to hear Unforgettable By The singer Drake. The dash reads one AM once we were off the dirt road.

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