Sabrina's Out Partying

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"Tell me what you see?" My eyes are closed but my ears are very alert as the counselor speaks to me with her smoothing voice.

"Its just a coyote..." I hear my voice echo smoothly through tree stems.  I'm in a Forrest were Noah and I went for our first date. It's in day time the way I remember it; trees are bright green and the sky blue without no clouds in them.

I am standing on the edge of the lake facing its back towards it,  The coyote stands in front of me with its white fur in big knots with blood smearing down to its legs and its teeth are on show with blood dripping down on the grass.

Noah is standing next to the coyote on the right side wearing his Blue Stone Band t-shirt that he loves, his bottom seems normal no flames appear but the grass around his feet smoke and turns black.  Teresa is on the left side her body is naked covered in red thick blood as the coyote  start's running after Noah cuts his heart out once again and falls onto the grass. I run towards the coyote taking the knife  out  of Noah's right hand, the coyote pushes me into the lakes water as I  stab the coyote in the throat. It's blood swims at the top of the water in thick black paint.

"She's a killer" Teresa whispers it out loud that the Forrest becomes dark as I swim out of the water.

"No, Please here, take it" I grab Noah's heart as my grip slips dropping it into the water.

"She never loved you"  Teresa holds her hand out to her side towards Noah; he grabs it.

"No that was an accident...I'm Sorry" I feel a tire fall on my cheek.

"Don't be Sad, you'll choose better next time" Noah gives me a small smile before flames appear at their feet and Teresa's thick blood boils up. I close my eyes as I hear the screams.

My muscles in my body jolts  felling the arm rest on my elbows. The Counselor sits on the edge of her seat with her note pad and pen in hand. I wipe a tire away from my cheek as she gives me a glass of water. 

"What did you see Sabrina?" She fixes her side fringe tucking it behind her ear.

"I..are...I'm going to go now"  I put the glass of water on her desk as I run to  the door  closing it behind her. I was sure she would of followed me out but she didn't surprisingly as I was half way to the parking lot.

"Hey Sabrina, did you want a ride?"  Cody stands next to his red Jeep car pulling his door open.

"Sure" I take a sit on the leather seat where air freshers are places in four placers in the car. Two on his mirror and the other two on either sides of the hand holders are; on a hook were you normally put your formal suits on. 

Cody plays with his eyebrow piercing as he looks at he center mirror while starting the engine.

"Thanks, why did you have to stay back today?"  Cody turns on the radio and we exit the parking lot.

"I do band practice after school,  I play the guitar; acoustic style three years running"   He does a little air guitar quickly  as he straighten his arms out towards the wheel.

We come to a stop  into my driveway and he stops his engine. "What are you doing?"

"I'm introducing myself to your parents"  That made me laugh but I stop to see he wasn't joking.

"Oh are..yeah there okay with you not doing that" I tap my hands on his shoulders, giving him a hug to thank him as I jump down out of the car.

"I know its late notice but did you want to go partying, one of my friends is having one and it would be good if you came?" He peaks his head out of the window of my side as I see my parents at the corner of my eye do the same from the front room between the curtains. My mother has a big grin as she nod's in happiness making the curtains swing more then normal.

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