Sabrina's Bed Sheets

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The bed sheets has a coolness against my bare skin sliding inside as I rest my head onto my soft pillow, I push my damp hair off my right shoulder free from tickling my neck while I try to fall asleep, I stare towards the window were the night sky is full of heavy grey clouds and the window makes sounds of heavy raindrops.  The house is silent only the vents in the roof makes hollowing sounds that sends my little hairs on my arms on edge; a sound of the buzz from my phone makes it disappear in the background. 

**Hey Love Bug, I'm sorry I didn't get to you sooner, not feeling the best" My gut felt  like it got punch when I saw that text message from Cody. I didn't reply for what it felt like ten minutes, my thoughts on if I should kick the fish out of the water or let it play with the bait.

"YOUR SICK! THAT'S ALL I GET FROM YOU, I HEAR NOTHING FROM YOU AND I HAD TO HEAR FROM EVERYONE ELSE ABOUT BROOKE AND YOU! YOU CHEATED! Three Angry emoji"    Backspace all of it taking a big sigh feeling my boobs touch my chin. Act normal. Cody made me look like a fool. I'll do one better.

**Hello, sure see you tomorrow I guess?  Two Kiss Emojis **  A few seconds past when my phone buzzes.

**Yeah see you in English  Class** Warmth raise's to my skin that feels like I got the heat sheet on.  Kick fish out of water,  Kick the Fish out of water, Fish out of water, no keep baiting and stop heating up. I take a few breath as another text message comes through from  William. 

**Hey thanks for tonight, See you tomorrow** I reply back with little words and a smile emoji.

My eyelids become heavy and my body becomes light full of relaxation moving to my left side hugging a circle silky pillow.  

Feeling something lay against my arm; I open my eyes slightly viewing a white fur ball moving with my chest as I breath in steady.  I slide my hands across the silk pillow onto the fur. It doesn't flinch at my touch until a few seconds a purring vibrates against my hand. It's William transformed into a Wolf; his light brown eyes stare into mine with his muzzle resting on my silk pillow.   "How?"My voice whispers giving him a light caress over his left ear and then giving him a rough itch behind the ear. This was a dream I knew it had to be, William would never sneak into my room for just a comfort cuddle.  "William..." I say before my eyes drifts away and the warmth of us clouds in full of bliss enchantment. 

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