Chapter 8

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I hop in a scorching hot shower, the perfect temperature. As I run the soft loofah over by body, I start to feel faint, my eyes blur. I put my hand against the cold tile wall and sat down. I turn off the water and grab my towel, wrapping it around me I call for namjoon, before being transported to the past. A past of pain.

Namjoon runs in, I reach for him. He takes off his shirt and puts it over my head, I scream. He calls Yoongi, and Jin knowing they were best suited for whatever the hell was happening to me. There over in seconds, my eyes are glazed over. I feel the pull of the belt, the skin against my face. I shrink inward. Yoongi doesn't waste a second in getting in the tub with me, I faintly hear him tell them I'm having a flashback before he starts rocking me back and forth. I try to speak but I can't. All I can do is sob, and hope it ends. I see Jin enter with his phone in hand, he starts playing music. I start to come back to reality, I'm thankful to note it's only the four of us, not everybody. I would be overwhelmed in this small space. Namjoon grabs my hands and pulls me up. I walk over to the sink and rinse my face. I thank the boys before pushing them out so that I can change into my onzie.

When I walk out it's still only the three of them which I'm grateful for. I say two words.

"Family meeting"

They nod and Namjoon texts the others, within seconds there here. I immediately gravitate toward Jimin, wanting him to hold me, while I tell them something I should have already. Once everyone's settled with me being cradled in Jimin's lap and arms I started.

"As you know my parents aren't very supportive since my soulmarks showed up, well what I didn't mention was my father, he... he"

Yoongi: "take your time cupcake"

"He tried to beat the quote extra soulmates out of me."

At this point I start sobbing into Jimin's chest. He starts rocking me back and forth, humming serendipity into my ear. After a while i calm down, I continue

"He would beat me with a belt, and slap me, and hold me down while choking me. I probably should have been hospitalized a few times but he didn't care, and I didn't have the money or the strength to speak up. I wasn't ready to face it during our last family meeting, but I never expected to have a flashback. I thought I'd be able to tell y'all when I was ready."

Jungkook takes me from Jimin's arm and cries into my shoulder, I notice most everybody is tearing up or crying. I motion for everyone to come closer, and form a group hug, which they do immediately.

I mutter the words "green pill" . Yoongi immediately understands that I'm trying to prevent any more episodes, or panic attacks. He gets up and goes to my pill container, and being the smart boy he is, he also brings me my night meds. I take them all. The boys all want to stay with me tonight, especially after namjoon retells the story of my panic attack, with my permission of course. Jungkook is so worried he refuses to let go of me, while the boys make a makeshift bed on the ground that we can all fit in to. Jungkook carries me to the middle and holds me close while he lays down with me. I have Jungkook on my left, Jimin on my right and taehyung at my feet. With the hyungs of BTS close behind them. We soon all drift off into dreamland, with myself hoping for a bright future with my soulmates.

We wake up to Sejin clicking pictures of all of us, and Bang PD laughing, he speaks

"What happened last night to make you all so protective of her?"

I signal to Jungkook to tell him, since my head is still being held protectively by said maknae. Se he speaks up first

"She had a flashback"

Sejin: "of?"

Iris "My father trying to beat my multiple soulmates out of me."

They gasp, Bang PD speaks first

"Do you want our legal team to look into further precautions we can take against them"

I look up to Jungkook who still has tears in his eyes, and knowing that i will have a long fight ahead of me, I say

"Yes, I deserve to speak myself"

The boys all grow proud at that statement. They're seeing how much of an impact they've made, what their words mean to their fans. Once we all get up Namjoon tells us to get dressed and ready to head to the airport. I immediately take my meds and put on the outfit that I had Hoseok picked out. A pair of black ripped jeans, and a flannel shirt with my classic black and white converse. Once we're all ready to head out we hop in the van.

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