Chapter 14

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Yoongi didn't hesitate to pull me closer with his arm around my waist. I put my hands around his neck waiting for him to make his move he asks one question

"You sure"

"I am"

He secures both his hands on my hips, his body flush with mine. I can now feel his breath on mine and soon his lips are on mine their moving slowly but sensually, I kiss back loving the feel of his lips on mine, just when I think he's about to pull away I feel his tongue swipe across my lip asking for entrance. I grant it, tentatively opening my mouth for his tongue to run across my teeth before pushing inside and mixing with my tongue. He pulls his tongue out of my mouth and bites my lip. I whimper in satisfaction. He pulls away and puts his forehead against mine, he then pecks my lips once more before releasing me. Before I can say anything I hear namjoon speak

"Well apparently we didn't need to come find you"

I turn around and see my other six soulmates all grinning like the cheshire cat. I feel Yoongi's arms come around my waist from behind, so that he is successfully back hugging me. I blush like crazy just for Jin to say.

"You should whimper like that more often princess."

I decide to play along with his little game by replying

"Make me"

Jin licks his lips before Taehyung and Jimin just completely burst out laughing. Taehyung recovers first

"She just owned your ass"

Jimin: "she's totally a switch

Jins eyes are still filled with a want, or should i say a need. One I want to play with a bit, and I notice Joon is eying down Yoongi with the same need, so I take Yoongi's hands in mine and push him toward Joon. Joon quickly takes the opportunity to take yoongi to their hotel room, where I'm sure I want to be nowhere near. Hoseok sees that I want alone time with Jin, and takes the maknaes to his room. I walk over to Jin putting my hands on his chest. He's watching me carefully, letting me take the lead. So I say

"Want to go to your room, I want to stay the night with you."

He nods, knowing that no matter how that came out I did not mean sexually. He lead me down many hallways till we got to his room, he swiped his card and walked in. He still had that need in his eyes, but I needed to talk to him. So I did

"Jin I love seeing that need in your eyes, that want. But I also want you to know that even though there's a 9 year age difference between us I'm not any less attracted to you than I am the others."

He sits down on his bed, and just kind of shrugs. He seems unconvinced. So I set out to prove to him that yes I am attracted to him just as much as the others despite the age gap. So what do I do. I walk over to him and straddle his legs, and it is soon apparent that I have no idea what to do from there. But I know I want him to kiss me, want him to know I'm his. So i whine out

"Oppa please"

And his mood shifts and when I say it shifts, I mean his hands were on my hips flipping us to where I was laying on my back and he was hovering over me, supporting his weight on his arms. He then speaks

"What do you want, baby girl? Where did all that confident energy of make me go huh?"

And I go weak, knowing he wont do anything until I ask, or more like beg. So I do what any girl would do if they had mr. worldwide handsome on top of them. I beg.

"Oppa please kiss me please"

And right at that moment Namjoon knocks at the door. Jin doesn't even move just yells

"Not now joon"

And the silence were meet with assures that hes gone so Jin says

"And you're sure you want to do this with me?"

All i do is whine out

"Oppa please"

And his lips are on mine, he sucks on my bottom lip and I whimper. He smirks into the kiss, placing his legs on either side of my legs so that he can support himself while his hands roam up and down my sides making me weak. I subconsciously notice both of our phones blowing up with texts but choose to ignore it as his tongue swipes across my bottom lip, and when I don't oblige he bites down on said lip making me gasp before pushing his tongue into my mouth, tasting me. He all too soon pulls away due to the need for air and to make sure i'm still okay with how far i've gone.

Once we separate completely and look at our phones and read the many many texts that are there.

Namjoon: Is there a reason Jin's gone dom and wont let me in his room? Who is he with taehyung or Jimin?

Taehyung: not me

Jimin: nor me

Hoseok: He's with Iris

Namjoon: You sure? Headcount guys

Jungkook: here

Jimin: Here

Taehyung: here

Yoongi: Here

Hoseok: Here


Namjoon: I DON'T KNOW

Jimin: guys calm down

Taehyung; there probably just making out

Hoseok: I'm in the room next to them


I laugh hysterically and decide to respond

Iris: It means he's messing with you

Hoseok: you sure about that Iris

Jin: please tell me you heard nothing hobi

Jimin: and why are you concerned with what he heard huh

Iris: Hobi keep your mouth shut or i swear to god

Hoseok: no can do doll cause you begging your oppa for a kiss was something else entirely


Jungkook: she begged huh

Jin: all of yall get your minds out of the gutter and go to sleep, we have a concert tomorrow

Namjoon: Jin is right even tho Iris i hope one day I get to hear you beg for me


Jimin: I think we woke yoongi hyung


Iris: night night yoonie

Yoongi: night cupcake

Taehyung: how the fuck

Iris: hehe night night

The chat then went silent and I saw Jin bringing me my night meds, after I took them he crawled in bed beside me and brought me to where my head was on his broad chest. I wrapped my legs around his and drifted off to sleep, and I couldn't wait to experience my second BTS concert the following day.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and yes I know I said I would be updating weekly but I just get to exciter when I finish a chapter. So during this quarantine time you will most likely be getting many updates. Love y'all 

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