Chapter 23

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One week later. No email. But I didn't care at the moment. I was sitting on my bed dressed for court. The court that could save or ruin my life. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think. But I reached for my phone anyway

Iris: I think I'm having a panic attack. I don't think I can do this.

Moments later My door was opened to Yoongi, who was dressed in a suit. He sat next to me, put my head in his lap and just said

"Today we fight"

That phrase. The one I've heard so many times. The one that I first heard when my life was at its lowest, when I didn't believe I could go on, when I was close to ending it all.

But I didn't. I fought. I kept going, I kept walking. I kept breathing.

In that moment I realize that if I don't do this, I won't be walking freely. Breathing freely. I will be trapped in his game, never knowing what's in store. What's around the corner. So I lift my head up, keeping it straight. And I stand up.

Yoongi takes my hand and leads me to where everyone else is including Bang PD and Sejin.

"You ready" Hoseok asks

Iris: "as i'll ever be"

We then load into the infamous black van and ride in complete silence. When we arrived nothing could have prepared me for when I saw my parents for the first time in months. They looked me straight in the eye, willing me to look down like I have always done. But I didn't. Not this time. I simply kept my head up and followed Bang PD and Sejin past the line of reporters into the courtroom. I sat between Namjoon and yoongi. With our massive group of lawyers in front of us, and the rest of BTS behind us.

When my parents walked in they glared me down. Willing me to submit. Willing me to give up before the fight had even started. They walked over to their seats directly across from me. I breathed in.

And when I released that breath I was ready.

When the judge took his seat he said

"We'll start with you Mr.mckenzie. Please explain your side of the story"

Mr. Mckenzie(Iris' dad): "Well you see sir, Iris has Autism and is unable to tell the difference between what is real and what is her imagination. She thinks and believes I hurt her. But in reality it was just her imagination, your honor. Nothing more than something that happened in her head."

My jaw dropped cause once again my Autism, my quote disorder is being used against me. But nonetheless he continued

"You see her disability makes her special needs. She is not capable of understanding what is actually going on around her."

I hated that word. Special needs. I hated it and he knew it. I was disabled not special. I took in a breathe and then heard my lawyer speak

"If it was all in her head, how do you explain the pictures?"

Mr.Mckenzie: "They were drawn on her, not real."

"But they were taken by doctors sir, we even have a full body scan. They are real, although they have healed now they were very real."

Mr.Mckenzie: "well then I'd assume they were self inflicted, she does have an extensive history of self harm and suicidal tendencies."

The judge: "Iris, are you Autistic?"

Iris: "yes I am high functioning Autistic"

I watch the judge as he prepares his next question he seems to be hesitating. Then I notice why. At the back of the court room there is a line of reporters and news stations. He's trying to protect me, but I don't care, I'm stronger than I have ever been. The world can know my secrets, and I'll prove them wrong. So I smile at him before he says

"I'm sorry to ask you about such a sensitive topic my dear. But have you been suicidal or self harmed in the past? And if so How long since the last time?"

I took a deep breath sat up straighter and replied

"Yes sir I have self harmed and had suicidal tendencies but not since February 2017, I am over a year clean."

He nodded, before nodding to my fathers attorneys to say their counter argument to our charges:

"We would like to counter the jail time with putting Iris in a hospital, since she should obviously not be walking around when she is so mentally unstable she believes her own father could abuse her. She couldn't even hold a job in her state much less do any good."

The judge looked taken aback by the counter offer, most likely because he had two eyes and could see me. I'm obviously not unstable but nonetheless asked me what my answer to that was

"Well I am currently working as the first aid and lifeguard for BTS. And while we were in New York they were doing a Run BTS. It was streamed live and you can see me perform a rescue, and CPR. I saved a life that day sir. So I don't think holding a job, or having a life of substantial value is a problem."

And that is when my dad got pissed. Not at the fact that I had defended myself, but that I also defended a point he hadn't made yet. Ne he was looking forward to making, cause like ive heard time in time again, my life would never be worth anything because I was autistic, because I just didn't understand.

My dad stands up screaming

"YOU BITCH! You know you're incapable, you don't understand! You will never win you are a whore, you stole peoples soulmates you don't deserve to live"

He then launched himself at me. I knew what he was going to do. He was going to hit me. And I was gonna let him. Not because I was weak. Not because I couldn't stop him. But because him hurting me in court, in front of a judge would be enough evidence for him to be put away for life.

So this time I didn't flinch as his fist came into contact with my face. He was being restrained immediately after, and my nose was bleeding but that was a small price to pay for freedom. The rest of the time passed in a blur. I had won. Now I just had to face the press on our way out. My father had gotten life in prison, and my mother wasn't allowed anywhere near me. When it was time to leave I stood up straight and followed Sejin out the door.

Bang PD stopped at the press which surprised me greatly. He then pulled me beside him, looked at me and said

"Iris, since the case is over. I wanted to publicly announce something."

I looked over to the boys who all had there phones out recording, so I was even more confused. So I looked back to Bang PD who continued

"You, Iris, have been accepted into the training program at BigHit. I hope your ready to start your career."

My hand shot up to my mouth in disbelief. I turned to look at my boys and saw Jimin with his arms open, and once I felt Bang PD give me a push to get me moving I ran into his arms full speed, shouting

"I did it!"

The second I was in his arms he lifted me up and spun me in a circle saying

"We knew you would"

Bang PD then took us all back to the van where i couldn't stop bouncing. But I don't think anyone had it in their heart to stop me. For this was the start of a life that was fully my own.

A/N: It finally happened.  What do you think?

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