Chapter 25

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A/N: slight mature themes

I woke up the next morning squeezed between Hoseok and Jimin, who had also somehow managed to get his shirt off. They both day a leg over my waist and arms around my hips, with my head pressed into hobi's chest. I try to maneuver out of their grasp when I felt something poke my thigh.

I was confused. So since I had started sleeping with my phone under my pillow for the specific reason that I kept getting trapped. I grabbed my phone and opened the group chat

Iris: Could somebody help me get out of being trapped between Hobi and Jimin, somethings poking me and I don't know what it is. SO help?

Jungkook: uh where are you being poked?

Iris: my thigh, why?

Jin: oh princess

Iris: What, am I missing something

Yoongi: Who's gonna tell her?

Tae: not me

Jin: Joon can

Joon: Why me


Joon: okay so um he's a little turned on

Iris: I still don't understand


I somehow gained the strength of God and pushed Hoseok off the bed and ran into the living room screaming before sitting with the rest of the guys at the dining room table. Hoseok quickly followed behind me still shirtless

"Iris what the hell, why was I pushed on the floor?"


Hoseok: "Help him with what? What is going on? And why are you guys laughing? I am genuinely confused."

Yoongi: "She felt Jimin's boner and is currently freaking out"

Jimin: "wait what"

Jungkook: "cold shower?"

Jimin: "uh yeah but how did you know?"

Tae: "My question is why is Iris freaking out to this degree. Haven't you seen a"

I quickly cut him off


Namjoon: "You mean you haven't watched"


I was red.

Jin: "Do you wanna see"


Hoseok: "Someone explain what the hell is going on! Jin?"

Jin: "Okay uh just check your text"

They quickly grab their phones and read through the text, Jimin very quickly becoming red. He looks to me and practically raps

"I'm so sorry Iris. so sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable in anyway, I'm so so sorry"

He seems so concerned. It's adorable. So I quickly say

"Oh my little prince, it's okay. Honestly I'm surprised this is the first time anything has happened like I haven't heard anything and I know y'all haven't just not done stuff with each other. So yeah"

They looked at me with wide eyes, obviously surprised by my words.

"There's the bluntness we love" yoongi said while patting my head

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