Chapter 11

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Once I was in my hotel room I quickly changed into my oversized superm shirt. Taehyung notices what i'm wearing and immediately goes to the group chat, i know this cause my phone dings

Tae Tae: Iris is wearing a shirt with seven men on it that aren't us

	Tae Tae: Iris is wearing a shirt with seven men on it that aren't us

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Not even 10 seconds later there's a knock at the door. I roll my eyes and open it standing aside as they all topple in. Once they're all standing Hobi is the first to speak.

"Iris you do know that those men are not us right"

I look at him dead in the eye and say


Joonie: "so um why?"

Iris: "I'm going to say this once and only once got it?"

They nod so I walk over and sit on the bed.

"As you know I am a fan of BTS, I am also a multi stan. With that being said I stan both boy groups and girl groups. That being said you will have to get used to my fangirling of other groups, other men. If I have my own room it will probably be decorated with many different kpop groups. Like VIXX. They got me into kpop. Especially Leo. I have all his albums and hope to soon have some vixx albums. But Leo especially holds a very special place in my heart, cause without him I never would have found BTS. So you can calm your jealous asses down cause no I'm not going to stop my kpop lifestyle anytime soon, if at all."

The boys all look down disappointed in themselves. So I am quick to continue

"Boys, look at me. You're allowed to be jealous, you're allowed to be protective but you have to vocalize your concerns so we can talk it out okay? Cause if you're getting jealous over my superm shirt, what are you going to do when I tell you about the concert, when I tell you about how Kai danced to his solo song shirtless with only a jacket, or how Taeyong grinded on the stage during no manners. How will you react when I tell you about concert moments that aren't pg but mean the world to me. No matter how jealous you get you have to remember my whole life I have only had 7 real crushes. I met them in 2017 and they all happen to be standing in front of me. Yes I love all my kpop idols to death but you guys are my soulmates, my everything, the reason I'm still alive today. Do you know what I ask myself when I get ideas, good or bad? I ask myself if it would disappoint BTS. I ask myself if it would make Namjoon proud. Make Jin proud. Make Yoongi proud. Make Hoseok proud. Make Jimin proud. Make Taehyung proud. Make Jungkook proud. Because without you guys I would have been found hanging off a building by a rope with a note tied around my ankle, but no I found you. My everything. So yes you're allowed to be jealous, but you can't allow that to overcome your rational thinking side. Cause there are going to be times I'm fangirling over men and women that are not you, but the difference is it will just be a fangirl and her idols, not a fangirl and her soulmates. So pick yourself up and start over. What do you want to ask me to help your jealousy subside."

They all look a bit taken aback by my words, but they're thinking about what I said. They're taking this seriously. Hoseok's mouth starts to open but he snaps it shut, he's nervous, possibly even scared. I walk over to my sunshine and put my arms on his biceps and rub up and down hoping to release any tension he has built up, he sighs the tension starting to leave his body. He rolls his neck back before taking a deep breath while closing his eyes. When his eyes open he speaks

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