Chapter 13

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I run scorching hot water and hop in. I scrub off all the fake tan. Once it's all gone I look in the mirror and feel ugly, like my body is no longer mine. I put on my panties and the joggers the boys left for me before I put on a sports bra, knowing the boys are going to want to see the marks. I look in the mirror and the handprint bruise is still across my neck, along with bruises from having a belt tied around my neck. I turn around and look at my back and can still see the belt marks slashed across my back. I need my boys, so I walk out with the sweatshirt in my hands, looking down with tears welling in my eyes.

I feel time stop as their eyes fall on me, so I turn around so they can see my back. They gasp. And they cry. I turn back around pulling the sweatshirt over my head feeling like they won't want me anymore but before my thoughts spiral Jimin speaks

"Babygirl, don't let your thoughts get to you. We still want you with us and we still think you're gorgeous. Come here."

He spread his legs so I could sit between them which I did, and he hugged me tight. I then decided to speak

"Shouldn't we show Bang PD and Sejin."

Namjoon: "only if you're comfortable with that."

Iris: "I'd rather them see it now in private than in public."

Yoongi: "Okay, I'll go get them cupcake."

Ten minutes later they walk into the room and full on stop at the sight of my neck. I look away. Bang PD then speaks

"There's now no doubt about it, you're going to the hospital. Yes the boys are going with you. And boys during the interview all you need to mention is that you will be at the hospital later to record signs of abuse that your soulmate had encountered. Do not say that it was her parents, just say that we will be taking legal actions. Now boys go get dressed for the interview, Sejin will stay with Iris till the interview is over and you return to her."

Time skip to the interview, 3rd person pov

Interviewer: "so namjoon you found your soulmate, what's it like?"

Namjoon: "well we have something to admit"

Interviewer: "oh really, and what's that"

Namjoon: "well we wanted to wait till we told ARMY, we wanted to wait till we found all of us, and now that we've found Iris we want to tell the world about our relationship."

Interviewer: "do you mean a polyamorous soulmate bond?"

Namjoon: "yes I do, in our bond there are eight of us, the members of BTS and Iris. But we also have other news to share with ARMY today as well."

Interviewer: "And what is that?"

Namjoon: "Yoongi hyung i can't say it can you"

Yoongi: "sure Joon. We are having to take legal actions, and will be at the hospital today to document the abuse that Iris has suffered in the past, that she had previously covered up."

Interviewer: "Do you feel like you have deceived your fans by keeping this relationship away from them?"

Jin: "No, we felt that until we found our last soulmate we should keep it secret for their safety, in case somebody saw her soulmarks and connected them to us before we got to her."

Interviewer: "that makes sense. I'm sure all your fans will support you. And this has been BTS!"

Back at the hotel and back to iris pov

My boys walked over to me and engulfed me into a group hug. I immediately asked

"How did it go? Have the fans responded?"

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