Protector- JJ

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"Did he touch you?"
JJ's asked through clenched teeth.

" need to breathe"
You placed a hand on his shoulder trying desperately to calm down.

"Did he place his hands on you?!"
He raised his voice while running a hand throughout his tousled blonde hair.

"JJ please st-"

"Did. He. Touch. You."
His eyes darkened as he waited for you to answer.

JJ had always been protective over you. That was one of the things you loved about him but this time you were worried. The look in his eyes was one you had never seen before. It was like his brain had completely flipped a switch.

"Did Rafe touch you y/n? I swear to god, if he even looked at you. I'll kill him!"
He yelled with his fist balled up.
"Did he touch you baby?!"

"Yes but it wasn't on purpose."
You stated quickly..

"It wasn't on purpose?! How could it not be! Who accidentally hits a woman in the face?!"
He exclaimed while gesturing to my black eye.

"I got in the middle of it, it was my fault."
You began to cry.

"I'll kill him!"
JJ moves past you and grabbed his backpack. Rage filled his eyes and he was determined.

You could immediately pictured the gun, the fight, Rafe shot, and JJ going to jail. You couldn't fathom the idea.

"No! JJ please!"
You screamed out, while putting one hand on his chest, trying desperately to keep him from leaving.
"You'll get arrested and that'll be your third strike. You'll go to prison JJ. Just please stop"
You begged him with tear filled eyes.

He hated seeing you cry but he hated being the reason you cry, more.

"Y/n, he hurt you. How can I not.."
He stated placing a hand on your cheek. His eyes held compassion. He loved you and all he wanted to do was protect you no matter the cost.

"Baby, I'm okay. Just please JJ, stay here."
You put your hand over the one he had placed on your face.
"With me. I need you baby."

He pulled you close, wrapping his arms around you. His eyes held fresh tears.
"Babygirl, come here."
He stated defeated.

He placed a kiss on my forehead and held me close. He leaned down to my ear.
"I love you so much y/n. You know that, right?"
He asked.

"I love you too JJ, no matter what."
You squeezed him as tightly as you could. Relieved that he had caved. You could watch him go to jail for you. You needed him here with you. You had to face the fact...JJ was your protector...and no one could change that.

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