Weekend Vibes-Rafe

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Like most Saturday's I would spend my time at the Cameron house, with Rafe. At least for the past 5 months I had.
I walked to the back door... opening it, not bothering to knock because I was practically family around her now.

I pushed the door opens stepping into the closed in porch and heading for the front door. I stepped inside to see Ward on the phone.

He acknowledged me, smiling slightly while waving. I waved back, shutting the door quietly. He pulled the phone away, covering it with his hand.

"Rafe's upstairs.." he pointed to the ceiling.

"Thank you." I said, heading up.
Once I reached the top, I walked down the hall, seeing Wheezie's door wide open.

I leaned in.
I asked.

She peeled her head out of her closet.
She ran over, giving me a hug.

I hugged her back, laughing at her enthusiasm. I liked Wheezie, she was sweet, young, and she didn't get enough credit around here. She covered for Rafe and I a lot.

"You looking for Rafe?"
She asked, pushing up her glasses.

"Ain't I always?"
I rolled eyes, laughing at how silly I felt for always being here and not at home.

"Yeah, but I get it. He's pretty cool to hang with.." I shrugged.
"And I think he's in Dad's office."

I stepped out, glancing back at her..
"Thank you, sweetie." I winked.

"Yeah, yeah."
She responded waving her hand.

Ward's office was simply down the hall, I pushed the door open, looking over. Rafe was standing at the window, looking out at the property. He didn't even notice I had entered the room. I closed the door quietly and tiptoed over to him, sneaking up behind him, wrapping my arms around his body.
"Guess who!.." I placed a kiss on his shoulder, smelling his shirt.

He flinched suddenly, frightened at my touch. "Babe, you scared me." He looked over his shoulder at me. "I was wondering when you were going to get here."

"Well, you could've come to my house for once.." I responded, jokingly.

He chuckled and turned to face me, wrapping his arms around my body as I wrapped mine around his neck.
"Is that so?" He asked, quirking an eyebrow.

"It is so." I answered, scrunching my nose.

"But we can't do this at your house.." he whispered, leaning down. Touching his lips to mine in one swift movement, making butterflies erupt in my gut. His hands traveled down my body, resting on my butt. Our breathing grew jagged as I raked my hands through his hair. He pulled away for a second before placing his lips to my neck, sucking at the skin slightly.

I laughed and jerked away.
"Rafe!" I whisper yelled, pushing his chest. "Baby stop, that tickles."
I resisted.

Finally he pulled away, laughing too hard to continue. "How can we do anything fun if you're too ticklish?" He gave my hip a slight squeeze, pulling me closer against him.

"Whatever." I giggled, kissing him again.
He pulled away, looking into my eyes.

"You know.."
He traced a finger down the side of my face, traveling down my arm.
"Dad's leaving town tonight, Rose is going with him. Wheezie's going to grandmas and Sarah is staying with Scarlet.." he smirked, his eyes traveling my body.
"I'll be here..." he whispered the next part.."alone"

I smirked mischievously, grabbing two fistful of his shirt and pulling his body into mine. His eyes widened and a smirk pulled at his lips, he bit his bottom one to hold himself together.

"All alone, huh?"
I aksed.

He nodded, kissing my nose.
"It could be just me and you babygirl."

"Now why would I want to do a thing like that, spend my entire weekend with a Kook on figure 8, while this weekend is the best for surfing." I chuckled, racing a finger down his chest. Batting my eyes at him.

He smiled gripping the nape of my neck and pulling me closer. "I need you to."
He breathed out, trying to keep his composure.

I pushed his arm away slightly, laughing as I headed for the office door.
"Where are you going?!" He asked, chasing after you.

"You gotta try harder than that, Rafe."
I rolled my eyes, turning to wave at him.
"Try again next time.."

He rolled his eyes, throwing his hand in the air; laughing. "You know I love you right."

"Prove it, pretty boy." I teased.

"You wanna fight babygirl?" He asked, playfully.

"No, you'd just loose anyway." I shrugged, running out of the door, knowing he would chase me.

"Get back here!" He ran after me, just as I had expected. I ran down the stairs and out the door, hiding behind the oak tree in the back yard, I sat quietly. Giggling internally.

After a few moments of silent, two arms grabbed me and picked me up and before I knew it, I was over Rafe's shoulders.
"Why you hiding baby?? You scared of losing?" He slapped my butt.

"Put me down Rafe!"
I beat on his back but it didn't phase him. He laughed, carrying me as if I weighed nothing.

"How am I not heavy?!" I asked, sarcastically.

"You weight like a pound babe, why would you be heavy!" He stated as he walked towards the house, playing pretend drums on my butt.

"Could you stop touching my butt!" I kicked.

"Now why would I want to do that??"
He smacked me a little harder, singing terribly out loud.

"Rafe, stop!" I laughed out, covering my ears from his pitchy voice.

"Nah, I don't think so." He responded, chuckling slightly.

This was a request! I am writing each request in order from which they came! If you have a request and have sent it to me, I am in the process of writing it and it will be out soon! Thank you so much! I love you guys! I really hope you enjoy! 💚

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