9; imessage/phone call

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*3 days later*
da boys and amara 😎💤

anthony :)
guess what i did

kio :)

kio :)
what did you do

josh :)
did you break your mirror again

anthony :)

anthony :)

jaden :)
you're leaving

anthony :)

jaden :)
jk don't leave ily

bryce :)
we're not gonna guess it right tell us

griffin :)
where's amara

griffin :)
she would've said something already

kio :)
she so quick

kio :)

kio :)
is she part of what you're gonna tell us

anthony :)

anthony :)
but she's at work right now

josh :)
just SAY IT

anthony :)
alright alright

anthony :)
i convinced amara to have a group phone call with us

bryce :)

bryce :)
i couldn't even do that omg

jaden :)

jaden :)

josh :)
woah there buddy

kio :)
omg finally

anthony :)
today when she gets out of work

anthony :)
she said 8:30pm sharp

griffin :)
so where she lives its that time and here it's 6:30pm sharp

josh :)
i'm ready

kio :)
can't wait.

phone call ✨

'hey friends.' bryce said

'i like how we're all in the same room just very far apart.' griffin chuckled

'amara! say something!' kio yelled

'she's nervous.' anthony said

'when is she not.' josh said

'amaraaa.' jaden said

'hi.' amara said

'that was the softest hi i've ever heard oh my god.' bryce said

'thank you!' amara chuckled

'she even laughs pretty oh my god.' jaden said

'oh my god i can't believe amara talked. this is weird. you don't sound like the way i imagined you to sound like.' josh said

'i sound like a literal baby.' amara said

'a cute one.' jaden said

'this is nice.' kio said

'next up we meet.' anthony said

'i don't know about that.' amara said

'yes you can come.' bryce said

'so i'm getting kidnapped!?' amara chuckled

'only if you want to.' kio said

'i was kidding.' amara said

'please don't take me.' amara begged

the boys laughed

'no but seriously, ever plan on coming?' josh asked

'when i get the money yea an-' amara was cut off

'we'll pay!' bryce yelled

'and when i get the time.' amara finished

'some of us have work.' amara said again

'i'm sorry.' bryce whispered

'just imagine how cool we would all look together.' anthony said

'the coolest of the cool.' jaden said

'and i can show you my un-released music.'

'oh yes. special treatment.' amara said

'and if you get hurt i'll heal you!' griffin said

'guys is he like an actual real nurse?' amara asked

'almost there.' kio said

'but just not quite.'

'wow really exposing me like that huh?' griffin said

amara and the boys talked for like 3 more hours on the phone until amara had to leave

'ok boys i gotta go.' amara said

'why so soon?' jaden asked

'because i have work and i still gotta take a shower.' amara said

'alright goodnight amara.' said all the boys

'goodnight my loves.' amara said and she hung up.

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