Chapter 26: Save My Friends...

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Today was the third day of internships. You couldn't sleep last night because Edgeshot was teaching you the powerful ninjutsu called Mozuka. He explained the ninjutsu and it was no similar to the Jougan technique.

"Mozuka and Jougan were the two most powerful ninjas in our village. They were one of the first generations of ninjas and they were the ones who made the two most powerful ninjutsus. Jougan was a fearless ninja, he was the best at attacks and was also great at moves that involves blood. His quirk was to solidify blood using any blades.

He thought of something to improve his fighting style so he tried so many ninjutsus combination to make the perfect move. After years of tries and research, he discovered that he can connect both his quirk and chi. So as a result, using his chi, he can solidify blood using basic fighting moves like kicks and punches. Since it was the first perfect ninjutsu he created, he named it after his name, the Jougan technique."

Plus, he also mentioned that only Jougan's family and future family members can use that technique. It was a clan thing. You already knew how the Jougan technique worked so he didn't need to explain further. But Mozuka, Edgeshot's mask was spilled with his own saliva.

"Mozuka was a kunoichi, one of the best healers of our village. But other than healing, she was also great at fighting. Back in the day, the healers and fighters were separated. The healers only stayed on medical duties while the fighters stayed on protecting and defending the village. The healers were restricted to fight and they were told to focus on their duties, it was once one of the rules of the village.

However, Mozuka wasn't in favor with the rule. She stated that the healers can fight alongside them, she even said that they've underestimated the healers. She protested on the streets for five days straight. As a punishment, the ruler of the ninjas locked her on a cell. Even though she was in jail, she still kept on fighting and she wanted to prove that they can heal and fight at the same time. So, she thought of an idea to create a ninjutsu that uses both healing and killing. It took her three weeks to make and another week to master it.

She broke out of jail and because of that, she was surrounded by ninjas. She dodged all the ninjas' attacks and when they were finally piled up, she decided to use the ninjutsu she made. Her palm was facing the pile of ninjas as it glowed into a green color. The injured ninjas were healed in no time, atleast that's what they thought. They opened their eyes only to see her glowing hand. Their brows furrowed, they were about to attack again but their bodies suddenly collapsed.

She used the same technique on villains and the healers became inspired by her. She lead them and they all protested altogether. The ninja ruler realized that there was no need to put a barrier between healers and fighters and so, he erased that rule from the village rulebook. After a few months, Mozuka became a healer warrior and the whole village admired her determination and her voice. She used her voice to speak up and proved to everybody that healers were also fighters. Just like Jougan, she named the ninjutsu 'Mozuka' so everybody in the village will remember her even after she dies."

That was long, but that was just half of his explanation. Last night, you were surprisingly listening to every words he said about the Mozuka ninjutsu since he was going to teach you that. You weren't even sleepy, you were so hyped.

"Mozuka is both a healing and killing ninjutsu. With Mozuka's healing quirk, she healed the injuries of her opponent. But since she combined her chi with her quirk, the heals become poisons after five seconds, the opponent's body collapses once the posion flows through its body. Nothing can stop it so it was really dangerous. Once it spreads throughout the body, the opponent dies."

The two ninjutsus were indeed powerful yet dangerous and you couldn't believe you already learned the Mozuka ninjutsu. Today, you were told to take over Edgeshot's night patrol at Hosu City since he was in another mission with his team. Kenji was in charge with the shack since his sensei was gone for the night. Before you headed to the city, Kenji said goodbye first.

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