-Being A Creeper-14-

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I woke up with a pounding headache if a doctor asked me to classify it; this would defiantly be a grade 10. As I wonder how long I've been out I test the waters and try to move my body- with no avail. The heavy yet snuggly warm comforter was wrapped around me like a cocoon restricting any easy movement. With a little effort- coaxing my throbbing head to cooperate- I finally was able to unwrap it from my sweating form and kicked it off my body. I sat up, sending a painful wave of stabbing up my spine and to the back of my head, not only causing the headache to intensify tenfold but also made me curl up into a little ball on the unfamiliar king sized bed. I realized I was in danger but there was no way I was moving anytime soon, not even the biggest bag of skittles would cause me to get out of this bed, and I really like skittles-especially the orange ones. 

--Ares POV-- 

I had brought Raine back, despite Katherine’s pleads to take her to the hospital- she had hit the ground pretty hard after seeing what she saw. I hadn’t thought it would have caused that much of a problem but eh, shit happens. She’s been asleep for a week now and every night I've been cuddling with her unconscious body watching her beautiful chest rise up and down breathing calmly. If she’s okay breathing then there should be no need to take her to the hospital and if push comes to shove ill make the pack doctor take care of her- even though he knows absolutely nothing about a humans body or how it acts- It can’t be that different can it? 

My awesome senses warned me that my beautifully sexy mate had just woken up above me and I stood up dropping the papers that I was about to file on my desk and used my speed and bolted out the door down the long hallway and up the expensive staircase and stopped in front of my bedroom door, not even breaking a sweat. I could hear her wheezing in pain on the other side and my heart sank a little before I opened the door calmly and walked in proud. 

Raine was facing the other way, curled into a small ball and shaking from pain. 


I had the energy so the first thing I did was update my story, Goal: One comment on this part

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