Chapter 15: Mark

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Before us was a creature out of nightmares, it was tall, like many creepypastas now that I think about it. It had thick fur that covered its entire body. Its legs were long and thin, almost skeletal. Its eyes were like those of a Rake: black, empty, devoid of any life. I couldn't see a mouth; the fur's thickness was hiding it if it even had one.

Jack: Hello, Jerry.

The creature didn't move. It stared blankly at the group. Is it trying to make us uncomfortable?

Jack: Did you bring your friends?

As soon as he said that, two other creatures that looked exactly like him positioned themselves on each side of the one named Jerry.

Sally: There wasn't any tree when we ran by.

Y/N: You're half-asleep.

I patted her head, and she woke up.

Jack: Good boy. You will all be rewarded, don't worry. Come on, everyone!

He jumped on the back of Jerry and patted it.

Splendy: I'm going with Jack.

Sally: I'm going with Y/N.

Jeffrey: Wait, does that mean...

Angel: Oh no.

Angel/Jeffrey: Can we change?

Splendy: Too late.

Jeffrey just sighed and mounted the creature, while Angel mumbled something like, "I can't wait to get rid of this idiot," and followed him.

Y/N: Are those Striders?

Jack: Yep! Jerry is an old friend of mine.

Y/N: I swear I've seen them somewhere...

I got to say, once you get past the initial shock of seeing them for the first time, they're not that scary. Their almost inexistent reaction to our actions helped a lot.

Sally: Y/N!

Sally was already on the third one. I jumped shortly after.

Jack: Everyone's comfortable?

Angel/Jeffrey: No.

Jack: Then let's go!

The Striders suddenly raised their heads and took some steps forward. Their eyes, which were empty before, were filled with light and life. Soon enough, six white beams illuminated the edge of the forest and the road leading to Montreal. Jack whispered something in Jerry's ear, probably our next location, and he moved towards the edge of the forest, and the other placed themselves in a straight line behind him.

Night fell, and the striders were at their maximum speed; by that, I mean they were barely faster than a turtle. Sally and I were puzzled at first: Why would we take these sloths if we could go faster than them with our eyes closed? What puzzled us even more, was when I looked at our surroundings: We were far from where we started. We were breaking records without even feeling it. That's when I remembered the anatomy of this thing.

Y/N: Damn. They don't skip leg day.

Sally: What do you mean?

Y/N: his legs are so long he doesn't need to run to be fast.

Sally: Oh, that's why!

Y/N: Yep. They're not even trying.

Sally: I wonder what'll happen if he does?

Y/N: Let's just say that if he wants you dead, you probably won't survive.

Splendy: Hey Y/N! Let's hear that story!

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