Chapter 16: The first battle

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I braced myself for the impact by closing my eyes and covering my body with my arms and hands. The hooks pierced the air at a blistering speed, too fast for me to stop it right before they touched wherever Laughing Jack aimed at, A loud Thing! resonated in my ears.

Laughing Jack: Huh. You're a lucky kid. Haha!

Wait, he missed? Confused, I opened one eye to see what saved me from being fished. Angel placed her sword in front of me, blocking me from attacking the clown back and deflecting the hooks to its sender.

Angel: Stay back!

Laughing Jack: Attack!

Sally: Attack? Oh god!

Sally and I never realized we were surrounded. A whole pack of rakes came out from the forest and behind our enemy. Angel and Jeffrey jumped off their Striders and charged the mob. Their overall awareness of our surroundings confirmed to me that Zalga wasn't trying to be subtle. Her confidence in her army's efficiency molded the way to proceed in our execution. Her plan didn't consider an ambush element a priority, or we would be dead by now. Her minions were numerous, and her generals, I'm going to call them that, were skilled killers.

Sally took my hand and jumped the moment the rakes revealed themselves. I almost broke my foot because I landed without breaking the fall. We ran behind the group and witnessed chaos even greater than my own life.

The striders surrounded the "surrounders." Each rake that came too close lost their heads to a vicious bite from those tall dogs. Eyeless Jack disappeared from everyone's sight, though we didn't need our eyes to locate his position. Every time a rake fell to the ground for no apparent reason, you could be pretty sure the reason was him. He went invisible; whenever he had the guts, one of those animals received a scalpel to the heart. Angel had the most significant presence. She dodged and blocked every slash attempting to harm her while she killed one rake whenever she swung her sword without losing her enthusiasm. Her insane fits of laughter made my spine shiver. Splendy teleported behind whoever he felt like and killed them in an instant. From our point of view, we were winning by a large margin. The rakes couldn't do anything to our friends; their formation backfired because the striders didn't let a single one escape. Their actual speed permitted them to catch up to anyone present here.

Jeffrey struggled the most out of everyone here. He started by killing rakes with an odd technique: he held his knife in one hand to defend himself while his other hand, ungloved, countered the attack and disintegrated whoever he touched. Laughing Jack and the hooded figure stayed back like us. When Jeffrey entered the battle, the figure lifted its head and stuffed its hand in its pocket.

Suddenly, when Jeffrey didn't look their way, it charged into the mass and tried to backstab him. Surprised, I tried to scream at him to get away, but the words couldn't come out of my mouth. The knife came closer and closer to his back when...


Jeffrey turned around with his arms, barely blocking the knife. The figure landed and jumped behind. Our friend didn't do anything. Instead, he stood still with his knife lowered. The rakes ignored him even if he didn't move an inch.

Sally: What's happening?

Y/N: I don't know.

Sally: Something is wrong.

Y/N: Yeah. Look at Jack.

The clown sat on the floor smiling with all of his teeth.

Sally: Yes, there's this, but look at Jeffrey.

Y/N: Wait, what?

Jeffrey had his hand on his face. His breathing got heavier, and he was shaking.

Y/N: Okay, there's a problem.

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