Chapter 17: Ouch.

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That's the first thing I thought when I woke up from my slumber. The lamp blinding my eyes better apologize for making me so uncomfortable. I tried putting my hand in front of it to block the light. I didn't need to because something appeared to block my view.


Sally: You're alive!

Y/N: Need..air...

Sally: Oh, sorry!

Sally jumped out of bed and ran to hug my neck. I returned the favor after fully grasping my situation.

Y/N: What happened?

Sally: Laughing Jack...he...

I didn't need to hear the rest. The events that transpired before me flashed in my eyes again. The fire, the destruction, the deaths.

The silence.

But most importantly, the moment that scared me the most.


I got out of the bed and ran to the door, but Sally pulled me backward with my arm.

Sally: Wait!

I fell on my knees, my hands trembling, and my breathing got out of control.

Y/N: I have to...I...He's...

Sally: Calm down! Y/N Please! Look at me!

She turned my head towards her and forced me to look at her face.

Y/N: Mark, are you okay?

She tried to look angry but had a hard time suppressing her tears.

Sally: Please...It was already hard enough hearing you talk about it...

Y/N: Talk about it?

Angel: You talked in your sleep. Wasn't pretty.

Angel leaned on the doorframe with her arms crossed. Eyeless Jack hid behind her back.

Y/N: I...I...did?

Angel: hm hm.

She walked to my side and put her hand on my back. Jack followed and patted my head.

Eyeless Jack: Don't worry, it's going to be okay.

Angel: No?

Jack: Angel!

Y/N: Guys, it's fine.

Jack's blue mask shimmered below his eyeholes. He must've cried during my absence.

Angel: Splendy is out.

Y/N: What do you mean?!

Angel: Calm down. He's paying Slender a visit.

Y/N: Oh phew! I thought you meant he died.

Angel: How did you think...oh yeah, said like that isn't the best way I could've formulated it.

Y/N: Why is he, though?

Angel: He's asking for help.

Y/N: Against Zalga?

Angel: Yep.

Y/N: Why are you telling me this now?

Angel: He'll be out for a few weeks, maybe. Before he left, he told us to recover and use those weeks to become stronger. Also, he gave you an opportunity.

Y/N: An opportunity? For what?

Angel: Splendy found the local news, and your friend is alive.

YN: Really?

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