Chapter 22: Smile

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With us waiting at the door, he opened it, his hands shaking and erratic breathing. Of course, I understood how he felt. He never took off his mask in front of somebody, except maybe Splendy, and now we convinced him to reveal his face in front of two persons he barely knows and his sworn enemy. Yet, deep down, he was ready. He felt the time had come, and he could finally accept himself.

How do I know this? Well, the answer is simple:

I made it up. This never happened.

When Jack entered his room, he immediately locked his door and panicked. He spoke without thinking. That is understandable. The truth is, he wasn't ready. No matter who did the motivational speech, he knew that deep down, he wasn't ready. He could convince himself all he wanted; he could scream to the world that he had eradicated shyness from his personality, it won't work. Deep down, he understands the reality. Deep down, we all understand it.

The way he declared that he would take off his mask should've warned me: the same trembling voice, the same energy, the same uncertainty. Yet, despite all of this, I was confident he'd take it off. I should've been more realistic. Not everyone suddenly changes because their friends told them it was a good idea.

However, I wasn't mad. Of course, I could be. After all, he "lied," or I could interpret it that way. But it's my bad that I didn't comprehend the true depth of his timidity.

Angel didn't see it the same way.

I'll now explain what happened.

We slowly undressed the table and washed the dishes when we finished eating. We wanted to ensure that he had time to process his decision and feel good about his choices. Unfortunately, as I explained, it didn't work, though I would argue that it was for the better.

We went upstairs, taking our time. When we arrived, Angel knocked on the door.

Angel: we're here!

Jack: O-o-o-kay. C-a-a-an y-you please w-w-wait for a s-second?

Angel: What for?

Jack: I-I-I n-e-ed s-s-s-s-s-some t-t-t-t-time.

We were confused, but we began to understand that he had changed his mind. Sally put her fingers under her chin and frowned while Angel raised her tone.

Angel: What? Do. You. Mean.

Jack: I-

Sally's eyes widened, and so did mine. Angel was becoming progressively more aggressive. If Jack explicitly stated what she was thinking, I'm unsure if the rest of the night would've gone as smoothly.

Sal looked at me, then at Angel, to say, "you have to stop her." Sighing, I tapped the Judge's shoulder.

Angel: What?

Y/N: Let's go.

I grabbed her hand and dragged her away, running. Usually, she'd be able to stop me dead in my tracks since she's stronger physically. However, she underestimated the power of the surprise attack. I led her to the room next to his, which I assumed was Sally's, with its small bed dressed with white, monochrome sheets and only decorated with Mr.D; since he didn't eat with us, I'd assume he was sleeping. Then, I closed the door behind us. Annoyed, she slapped my hand away.

Angel: What are you doing?

Y/N: You're getting a tad too angry.

Angel: Am I not allowed to?

Y/N: Yeah, not when you're on the verge of killing someone you called a friend two seconds ago. In my opinion, you're not allowed to do that.

Angel: I was not.

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