chapter 18: The visit

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Nurse: Here he is.

Y/N: Thank you.

After a few minutes of talking to the receptionist, the hospital finally let me see Mark. When I arrived, I expected him to be in a deplorable state, but not that deplorable.

Bandages covered his torso and limbs, and the doctors scattered multiples stitches on his face. He turned around with difficulty when they told him he had a visitor. As soon as he saw me, he weakly smiled.

Mark: Hello there.

Y/N: General Mark.

Mark: How are you doing?

Y/N: I'm okay.

Mark: you're not gonna ask me?

Y/N: Do I need to?

Mark: haha... Ouch!

He tried to move his leg, but the pain reminded him of his injuries, and he stopped moving immediately.

Y/N: Wow, are you okay??

Mark: You asked me...hehe...

Y/N: Oh, fuck you.

Mark: Hahaha...but yeah, I'm okay...

Y/N: are you sure?

Mark: You underestimate my power.

He chuckled under his breath. I reminisced of the time we spent together. It was hard to suppress my tears. I gently grabbed his hand between mine.

Y/N: I'm sorry.

Mark: For what?

Y/N: I shouldn't...have left you...

Mark: Oh, it's not your fault.

Y/N: If I didn't follow him...things could have been different....I... I'm sorry.

He tightened his broken hand with mine, wincing in pain but holding on.

Mark: Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.

Y/N: stop with the Star Wars references. Now's not the time.

Mark: Seriously, you have nothing to do with this. It's because of...something else.

Y/N: What?

Mark: There is another.

Y/N: There is another what?

Mark: ...

I facepalmed.

Y/N: Bruh. Good job.

Mark: Haha! Got you!

I snickered, and after Mark took a deep breath, he began his story.

Mark: There was...a...guy...

He described Kake- gao with details I didn't see initially. For example, his scarf was black and white, and he wore a black hoodie.

Mark: He started...talking to me...saying... I was a failure... and my parents hate know the basic stuff...I ignored him at first...cuz...well...there's not a lot to do...then...he...he

Mark swallowed his saliva and continued.

Mark: He mentioned you in one of his insults...and I must've reacted a little...because... out of nowhere, he said that your new life was horrible...that It was my fault...because I wasn't support you...that I wasn't a real friend...He got in my head that way. Literally.

Y/N: Literally?

Mark: Yeah. When he talked before, he had a physical form or something. When he said I failed you, somehow, he stopped walking with me everywhere. He trashed and insulted me in my head 24/7. Other voices joined him too; I think yours was in that mass of noise, and you understand that at one point, I couldn't take it anymore. I believed him, Y/N. I believed everything he said about you. The life he described... sounded so horrible, and I felt guilty. That day, when I jumped off the building, he finished announcing your passing.

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