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Jeongin's P.O.V

Raein hung up the phone, slowly turning towards me with that twisted grin of his. "What should we do first, Kitten?" He knelt down beside me, stroking my cheek with the back of his hand. Mumbling into the gag in mouth, I fought against the restraints keeping me bound against the headboard. "Well, that doesn't seem fun." He mocked, grinning once more.

I eyed Raein as he slowly walked around the bed before leaving the room. Sighing, I rested my head against the metal behind me. I can't believe I let myself get into this situation. I should have never trusted that text. I should have known it was him. Why else would my father text me from his "work phone" and ask me to come home? So stupid.

I think what sucks the most is that I'm not even scared. I got so used to him, to his torment, that my brain has already reverted back to that. I'm not scared. I know I'm going to get hurt. I know he's going to either assault me or he's going to brutally beat me. But I also know that Chan is going to come save me. He's probably gathering all of the guys to build a rescue mission. Chan's probably putting all of the clues together right now and trying to figure out where Raein has me. What he doesn't know, though, is that I'm right under his nose.

Raein took me back to my parent's house. Why? Because my parents are out for work, once again. They didn't want to leave, but they figured that Raein was in prison, just as the rest of us had thought. I really hope Chan or Felix will realize that as soon as possible.

Raein walked back into the room, a sly grin plastered onto his face. "Kitten, let's play a game, shall we?" Shaking my head slowly in response, this only elicited a chuckle from the sick bastard. "Come now, Kitten. Where's that team spirit?" I could only glare in response. "How about this. Let's play a game of hide 'n seek. I'll let you go hide somewhere, and if I can't find you within 5 minutes, you can go back to that Chris guy." My eyes lit up at the mention of Chan, now determined to be the champion of hide 'n seek. "But," He began, that glimmer of mischief in his eyes. "If I find you within that 5 minutes, you have to stay with me until I say you can leave."

This is definitely a set up. I know damn well that he's gonna cheat and find me. But I have to take that chance. And who knows? Maybe Chan and Felix and the guys are on their way here right now. Maybe they'll bust into the house and rescue me before Raein can win his sick little game. 

"Well? What do you say, Kitten?" Thinking about it for another second, I finally nodded my head, agreeing to play his twisted little game. His grin spread from ear to ear as he untied me, telling me that he would give me 1 minute to hide. He put a blindfold over his eyes and began to count. I bolted out of the room, scanning the house for the perfect hiding spot.

Raein knows my house like the back of his hand, just as I do. But, what he doesn't know, is that mom and dad updated the attic space last year. Felix is the only person who knows about it, not even Chan knows.

So I ran into my parent's room, opening up the attic and climbing to the top before closing off the stair case. I really hope that Raein doesn't think of the attic. Even if he does, there is little chance he will find me up here now. When they updated the attic space, they basically built a second story up here. There are three seperate "rooms" all divided by book cases. My parents love to read. It's actually a super nice space, I used to come up here a lot to relax and get away from life.

"Ready or not, here I come!" Raein had started a timer, I'm pretty sure on his phone. I could hear the quiet count down as I waited for him to find me. Two minutes had passed with complete silence. I was beginning to get anxious. Does he know where I am but he's going to wait until the last minute to come get me?

I began to crawl further and further back into the corner as the anxiety weighed in on me, the fear of Raein bursting through that attic door increasing every second. Before I knew it, the timer was going off, indicating that the five minutes had passed. I refused to move, though, paralyzed with fear. I knew that if I climbed down that attic stair case, Raein would be waiting for me at the bottom. But without the timer going, time seemed to slow down. There were no windows to indicate time, but I also didn't have a clock of any sort to tell me what time it was. Has it been two minutes or two hours? Who knows.

As the fear subsided and the curiosity of where Raein was grew, I slowly began to crawl towards the entrance. But as I began my journey, the door to the attic opened, resulting in me scrambling backwards and back into my corner. Instead of seeing Raein's head pop into the attic, I saw Chan's head pop up and scan the room. "Baby Boy? Daddy's here, it's okay to come out now." I squealed behind the gag that was still secured around my head, running over to him. His eyes softened as they met mine, his hands scrambling to get the gag off. "Baby, thank god you're okay." As the gag fell to the floor, I clung onto Chan and began to violently bawl my eyes out. "Daddy, I was so scared." "I know, Baby. But you're safe now, I promise. Daddy's here."

Chan slowly carried me down the steps, reuniting me with all of the guys who seemed very relieved to see me. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Raein being dragged out of the house by the police, that same sly smirk plastered on his face as his eyes met mine. We held eye contact until he was out the door, chills running down my spine.

An officer approached us, resulting in Chan placing me down, but keeping his hand firmly intertwined with mine for reassurance. "Mr. Yang, we just want to deeply apologize for the events that have occurred today." Felix was about to say something to smart off but Jisung held him back. "We are placing the offender in the custody of a mental health institution rather than a prison. He will not be allowed bail nor visitation to ensure that he never leaves the custody of said institution." I could only nod in response, muttering a soft 'thank you' to the officer.

Chan motioned to talk to the officer, kissing my forehead before walking away with him to talk. Felix wrapped his arms around me, running his fingers through my hair to try and comfort me. It was definitely helping as I relaxed into his embrace. "Jeongin, what do you say we go home? Home being with Hyunjin but home nonetheless." "I think that's a great idea, Felix." Chan spoke as he approached us, picking me up and holding me close.

We all began to leave, filing into the car one by one. Chan sat in the back and rested me on his lap, resulting in me placing my head onto his shoulder. I sighed in content, knowing this time that this was the last time I would see Raein. I could feel it, deep down. And that brought me comfort. I could go on with my life and not live in fear. I can now build a life with Chan without being fearful that Raein is going to barge in and tear it apart.

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