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Jeongin's P.O.V

I was currently placing my clothes into the bottom half of Felix's dresser. I told him I could keep my clothes in their bags but he wouldn't take no for an answer. So he emptied half his dresser and half his closet. It wouldn't be difficult to differentiate his clothes from mine: his clothes were primarily dark and edgy while mine were more pastel with a little bit of black here and there.

"Jeongin," Felix began as he walked into his room, jumping onto his bed. I turned to face him, signaling him to continue. "How are you doing?" Looking down at my feet, I shrugged. "I'm kind of just numb." I grabbed Oliver from my bag, climbing onto the bed with Felix. "Part of me still refuses to believe he's out and looking for me but at the same time, part of me knew this would happen eventually." Looking over at Felix, I could see the hurt in his eyes. Felix cares so much for me, and sometimes I feel so bad for making him worry.

"Jeongin, honey, is there anything you need?" Mrs. Lee popped her head into the room, smiling warmly at me. I mirrored her smile, "No, I'm okay, Mrs. Lee. Thank you." She nodded in response before leaving. Felix turned towards me, concern written on his face. "Jeongin, I promise, I will do my damnedest to make sure that he comes nowhere near you." A small smile tugged at my lips as I looked down at Oliver, playing with his fur. "Felix, what happens if he comes here?" "Hyung and I will beat his ass." I giggled but nodded. "Okay."

Silence fell over us. It was a comfortable silence but I could feel Felix's anger radiating off of him. "Felix." Chan walked into the room, his face straight and his brows slightly furrowed together. He nodded his head towards the living room, which Felix took as he wanted to talk out there. "I'll be right back." I could only nod in response, confused but also frightened. What could be so serious that I can't hear it?

"I do not like this plan." "Well I think it would be best for him. That douche bag would have no idea where he is." "But I don't know these guys! I don't trust my best friend being with people I don't know! And what has mom said to all of this? She would be just as skeptical as me."

I slowly walked to the doorway, peaking out into the living room to see Felix and Chan standing by the couch, Felix clearly upset while Chan seemed frustrated. "I wanted to come to you first before I went to mom since you are his best friend and his caregiver." "You...You still consider me Jeongin's caregiver?" Chan sighed, placing his hands onto Felix's shoulders. "Of course I do. Now, will you at least think about it?" Felix seemed to be thinking for a second but he soon nodded, sighing. "Okay, fine. I'll consider it."

"Consider what?" I questioned as I stepped out of the doorway, slowly walking towards them with Oliver clutched to my chest. I feel so left out. Left in the dark. They both looked at each other before looking back at me. "Hyunjin offered to let us stay with him until Raein is caught." I lit up at the mention of Hyunjin. I love Hyunjin, he's so sweet and caring and loving. I could talk with him for hours. I feel safe with him. "Are we going to?" Felix pouted, advancing towards me. "You don't want to stay with me?" "Of course I do, Felix. But Hyung is right, Raein wouldn't know where he lives so we could be safer." Chan raised his brow, walking closer to us. "First of all, "hyung?"" I grew red as I remembered the rule. "Sorry, Daddy..." I whispered. "Second of all, "we?" Baby Boy, you're the one in danger." Felix nodded, agreeing with him. "But you guys are protecting me and staying with me. I feel like I brought you guys into this. I put you guys in danger."

I fiddled with Oliver's foot as we stood there, my heart racing a mile a minute. I feel so overwhelmed, so anxious, so afraid. Tears brimmed my eyes as I looked at Chan once again, his features softening upon seeing my current state. "I...I'm sorry, Daddy. I didn't mean to put you in danger..." "Hey now, it's okay, Baby. You didn't put anybody in danger, okay? None of this is your fault. Understood?" I could only nod as I bit my lip, trying to keep the tears from falling. I should have never let myself become vulnerable to another person...I only put him in danger, and I feel like I can't do anything about it. It's all my fault...

"Jeongin..." I felt a hand rest on my shoulder, and when I looked up, it was Mrs. Lee. "Honey, I know you're afraid, but I can promise you that you are not at fault here. That man is a monster and you have nothing to do with that. So please, don't hurt yourself thinking that any of this is your fault." I smiled softly at her as I nodded. He is a monster. That much I know.


Felix, Chan, Hyunjin, and I were all sitting in the living room, discussing the living arrangements. "Okay, well, I vote that you don't go because I can't protect you all the way over there." Felix pouted, making me smile softly at how adorable he can be. "Why don't you come too?" Hyunjin questioned, taking another cookie that Mrs. Lee had brought out to us and popping it into his mouth. "What?" "Yeah, what?" Chan repeated, just as confused as Felix. Hyunjin tried to quickly finish his cookie before continuing, "I mean, why not? He's super worried about his best friend, and I think it would be better for the both of them to be together. Plus, it's not like I don't have enough room for all of you." "I vote yes." I stated quickly, causing everyone to look at me. Chan seemed skeptical while Felix seemed confused but relieved.

Looking back at Chan, I pouted, trying to put on my best puppy face. He glared at me, pointing his index finger towards me. "Do not start that." "But he's so cute~" Hyunjin cooed, pinching my cheek. I giggled, looking back at Chan. "Fine. Okay. We can stay with Hyunjin." Hyunjin and I cheered together. "This is not a sleepover or a playdate, Baby Boy. Do you understand that?" I nodded slowly, playing with Oliver's feet. "So, you're saying that this is a one-hundred percent serious situation and that there shall be no fun." Chan once again glared at me and I could feel the irritation radiating off of him. "Don't think for a second that his house is any different than this house, Little One." I gulped, nodding my head, before looking down at my lap. I've come to notice that whenever he uses the name Little One, I'm either in trouble or I'm being a brat.

"Okay!" Hyunjin jumped up, breaking the awkward silence. "I'll let you guys get packed and I'll come back in the morning to help you guys take your stuff over." "Thank you, Hyung." Felix began as he walked to the door with Hyunjin. "We're very grateful for your help." "Anytime. Bye, Hyung. Bye, Jeongin." "Bye!" Felix went to his room, telling us that he was gonna begin packing. "Baby Boy." Turning towards Chan, he motioned for me to come closer. I did as told, sitting on his lap. "You are always allowed to have fun. I just want you to be safe, and to not just go off whenever you want. You can do whatever you want as long as it's in his house and one of us is there with you." I nodded, understanding. "Okay, Daddy."

He lifted my chin up so that we were eye to eye. "Now," he began, smiling softly at me. "Why don't you go get some rest and I'll help Felix get your stuff ready." "But-" "No buts. Little boys need rest, especially ones as precious as you. So, why don't you go sleep in Daddy's bed and I'll join you in a little while, okay?" "Okay, Daddy." Chan placed a kiss to my forehead before I ran off to his room. I walked over to his dresser, pulling out the drawer he kept my pacis in, pulling out the one with the bow on it. I popped it into my mouth and instantly felt more relaxed. Jumping onto his bed, I crawled under the covers and hugged Oliver close to my chest as I dozed off to sleep.

ˢᵉᶜʳᵉᵗˢ | ʲᵉᵒⁿᵍᶜʰᵃⁿOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora