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Chan's P.O.V

Hyunjin and Jeongin went off to the kitchen to get him some milk and apple slices while the rest of us went into the living room and took our spots on the couches and chairs scattered around the room. "So, Hyung," Minho began, swirling his drink around in his glass. I raised my brow at him, signaling for him to continue. "Jeongin looks....different."

As I was about to respond, Jeongin and Hyunjin walked back into the room, milk and apple slices in hand. I smiled at Jeongin as he waddled over to me, sitting on my lap. My heart fluttered at the sight, adoring the younger even more. I love how easily he slipped into his head space. It's helping him relax and not be so shy and timid, and I enjoy that. I don't want him to feel uncomfortable around my friends.

When I told everyone that we were in a ddlb relationship, they were all really understanding and supported us. I was kind of shocked, not gonna lie. I was half expecting at least someone to question it, but no, everyone was totally cool with it. And I love that.

"So, Jeongin, how old are you?" Hyunjin questioned, poking Jeongin's cheek, causing the younger to giggle. "Three!" So he's three today. Good to know. I love that Jeongin has an age range, it's so adorable. One day he can be a five year old and then the next he's three. I love it. It's also just adorable because he goes from a small child to a smol bean that needs all of the help.

"You're three? Wow, you're such a big boy!" Jeongin giggled, nodding his head proudly as he reached for an apple slice. The guys kept asking Jeongin questions, most of them ending in him giggling. After about an hour of this, Woojin finally had to leave. "See you guys later! Bye Chan, bye Jeongin!" "Bye, Hyung." "Bye, Woojinnie Hyung!" Woojin smiled at Jeongin as he left. "It is starting to get late, maybe we should head home too." Hyunjin pouted at my words. "But it's not even that late and Jeongin is so cute, I don't want him to leave." Minho and Jisung stood up and stretched before grabbing their things. "We should go home too. Minho has to be up early in the morning." Hyunjin pouted but nodded, looking defeated. "Okay, bye guys." "Bye, everyone!" "Bye!"

"Do we have to leave, Daddy?" Jeongin turned around in my lap, now straddling me, as he pouted. I gulped softly and nodded. "Yes, Baby Boy. It's getting dark and I don't want your parents to freak out and wonder where you are." He whined, burying his head in the crook of my neck. Hyunjin smiled at us, "You two are really adorable." I returned his smile as a thank you. He got up and headed towards the kitchen, giving Jeongin and I a minute alone.

"Baby Boy, can you look at me?" He slowly sat up and looked into my eyes, still pouting softly. "If you promise to be good, we can have Felix call your parents and tell them you're staying the night. Sound good?" He nodded, a wide smile spreading across his face. "Yes, Daddy." "Okay. So, you're going to be a good boy, right?" He nodded, raising his hand up to cross his heart as he giggled. I smiled softly at him, leaning in to place a kiss onto his nose. "Now, why don't you go ask Hyunjin what he wants to do since we're going to stay a bit longer." Jeongin jumped up in excitement, running towards the kitchen. "Okay! Jinnie! Jinnie!"


I slowly tip toed into the house, trying not to wake Jeongin. He was wrapped around me, his head resting on my shoulder, small snores coming from the younger. As I walked to my room, as quietly as possible, the younger began to stir, lifting his hand up to rub his eyes. "Daddy?" "Yes, Baby?" "Your friends seem nice." I hummed in response, glad that he doesn't hate my friends. Upon entering my room, I closed the door and sat him on my bed. "Do you want to sleep in your pjs or one of Daddy's shirts, Baby?" "Daddy's shirt." He yawned. I nodded, going to grab one of my shirts and handing it to the younger.

He looked up at me, his eyes pleading as a pout played on his lips. "Okay, okay. Up." He smiled in triumph, raising his arms above his head. I lifted his shirt over his head before tossing it beside my bed, pulling my shirt over in it's place. "Okay, Baby, you're gonna have to stand up to take your skirt off." He whined softly but did so anyway. I was expecting the skirt to come off followed by some shorts, but nope. I'm not surprised, though. I've come to realize that Jeongin has some kind of vendetta against wearing anything as long as his shirt covers his bottom.

Jeongin crawled back into bed, curling up into a ball, before slowly closing his eyes. I couldn't help but admire the younger. He's so precious.  I quickly got changed into some comfortable clothes before grabbing one of Jeongin's pacifiers and getting into bed. "Here, Little one." He opened his eyes just wide enough to spot his paci. The younger opened his mouth slightly to which I then placed his paci in his mouth. Jeongin seemed to instantly melt into the comfort of his paci, a sigh of content being heard. Jeongin snuggled closer to me, resting his head against my chest. Wrapping my arms around him, I placed a kiss to the top of his head before drifting off to sleep. 

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