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We finally left the shop with a few bags in hand and a very happy Little boy. I kept the bags in the backseat so that Jeongin couldn't play or mess with his new items, which caused the younger to pout, but I knew he'd be happier opening them at home.

Once we got home, we were met with an angry looking Felix who stood on the porch with his arms crossed. After turning off the car, I grabbed the bags and met Jeongin on the other side of the car, taking a hold of his hand as we approached the upset Felix. "Where were you two? You've been gone for four hours! I was so worried!" "I took Jeongin shopping." I shrugged, walking past him and entering the house, heading towards my room. Placing the bags on my bed, I lifted Jeongin up and placed him on my bed as well. I rested my hands on his thighs as I smiled warmly at him. He mirrored my smile while his cheeks burned a bright pink.

"Do you want to show Felix what you got?" While Jeongin was shopping around, he slowly regressed, and it was honestly super adorable to watch him choose things in his Little head space. He would squeal and giggle every time he found something that he loved. Jeongin nodded, "Can I change first...I don't feel comfy..." I nodded, lifting Jeongin off of my bed, watching him run to Felix's room to change his clothes. God, he's so adorable.

I took his bags and walked into the living room, placing them on the floor in front of the couch. Felix looked between me and the bags questioningly, "What's this?" "Jeongin wants to show you the items he picked out today. He's really excited." He nodded slowly, still looking confused. Soon, Jeongin ran out in a long pastel blue shirt and white knee highs. He better be wearing shorts...

"Innie, what'd you get today?" Felix questioned, smiling as the younger plopped down onto the floor, smiling ear to ear. "Daddy took me to a Little shop." Felix turned towards me, his eyes wide. "Where the hell did you find a shop like that? And why?" "Can I not spoil my Baby?" He glared at me before turning his attention back to Jeongin. The younger began to show Felix all of the things that I bought him.

Most of it was harmless: he chose a baby blue pacifier with white polka dots and another with a white bow made of acrylic. There were a few sippy cups, most of them pastel pink and blue with animals on them like cats, foxes and puppies. While shopping around, Jeongin really thought about what he wanted since he's never had this opportunity. He's never been able to explore what he likes and wants. I wanted to give him that opportunity. Jeongin pulled out a fox onesie along with pastel pink pajamas with ruffles. The cashier thought it kind of weird that he wanted these since they're meant for girls, but she didn't say anything. The entire time, Felix just smiled at Jeongin as he pulled each item out, being more and more excited about the next item than the last. Watching him being so excited and being so giddy made me so happy.

"What's in that bag?" Felix questioned, pointing to a bag I had set apart from the others. Jeongin blushed, looking down at his lap. A slight smirk played on my lips as I turned towards Felix, "Nothing." He glared at me and was about to say something when his phone rang. Saved by the bell. "It's Binnie. I'll be back. We're not done here." He warned, glaring at me one last time before disappearing into the kitchen. Turning towards Jeongin, a smirk played on my lips once more. "Baby boy." "Yes, Daddy?" "Come here." I patted my lap. He obeyed and sat on my lap, straddling me. "Did you have a good day, Baby?" He nodded, smiling widely, his eyes gleaming. "Yes, Daddy. Thank you..." He kissed my nose, giggling softly. "You're welcome, Baby boy."

Felix walked back into the room, pointing his finger at me. "What's in the bag." "I told you, nothing." He turned his attention towards Jeongin. "Jeongin. What's in the bag." The younger turned towards me, silently asking if he could tell him or not. I shook my head softly. I don't want Felix to know what's in the bag because I don't want him questioning Jeongin.

"Nothing, Lixie.." Felix huffed, "Yang Jeongin." With no response from either of us, Felix gave up and went to his room. "Daddy? Why couldn't we tell Lixie? Is it...Is it bad?" "No. No, Baby boy, it isn't bad. I just want you to really determine if you are a pet before you tell Felix." He nodded, smiling softly. His smile slowly faded, though. "What's wrong?" "I have to go home..." He whined, wrapping his arms around my neck, "I don't wanna!" I chuckled, patting his back. "Text your parents that you're gonna stay the night with Felix again." Jeongin pulled back and blinked a couple of times, probably trying to decide if he was big enough to text his parents. "Okay, I'll have Felix call your parents." He nodded, grinning ear to ear.


"Daddy, can I...can I try my...uh..." Jeongin blushed a deep red as he played with his shirt. That reminds me... "Baby Boy. Are you wearing shorts." He stopped fiddling with his shirt but kept his head down. "Baby Boy." I spoke a bit more sternly, earning his attention. "No." He whispered. Soft sniffles could be heard, breaking my heart. I lifted his head up so that he was forced to look at me. His teary eyes glistened while his lip trembled. "Please don't get mad...at me..." "No no no, Baby Boy, I am not mad at you." He began to cry harder, hiccupping between sobs. "But I...I didn't follow...your rule...please Daddy don't....please don't hurt me."

My heart shattered looking at the broken boy in front of me, crying his eyes out in fear of being hurt again. I lifted Jeongin up and he instantly wrapped himself around me, burying his head into the crook of my neck still sobbing. "Shhh, it's okay, Baby, it's okay." I sat down on my bed, rubbing circles onto his back, trying to calm him down. It pains me so much to see him like this, to see him crying his heart out because of fear, to see him so terrified.

"Baby boy, can you look at me?" I whispered, running my fingers through his hair. Jeongin slowly sat up and looked at me, his cries of fear slowing down. I smiled softly at the younger, brushing my thumb across his cheek. "Baby boy, I am never going to hurt you. I promise." He nodded softly, eyes still searching mine. "I am not mad at you for breaking a rule. And I'm definitely not going to punish you, I don't do punishments." He furrowed his brows, tilting his head to the side. "You don't...punish?" I nodded, taking his hand in mine. "I don't believe that punishment solves anything."

"Now," I trailed off, searching his eyes this time. "There are punishments that aren't necessarily bad, but we won't get into that for a while." He started to question me but I raised my finger, silencing him. He's getting good at that. "Now, back to your question from earlier." Jeongin blushed a deep red, remembering the items in the bag.

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