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Jeongin's P.O.V

"Daddy?" "Yes, Baby boy?" I looked down at my lap, biting my lip softly. "What if I don't like being a pet..?" "Then that's okay. There is nothing wrong with that. If you want to experiment to find out what you do and don't like, that is perfectly okay." He smiled at me, making my heart flutter. "But then you wasted money." I whispered, eyeing the bag at the edge of his bed. "Nothing is a waste when it's for you, Baby boy." God, why does he always know what to say in order to make me blush?

I crawled off of Chan's lap and over to the bag, finally pulling out the items it contained. While we were shopping, I had spotted the pet section. Ears, tails, collars, leashes, you name it. It intrigued me. And so, Chan and I walked around the section for a good hour as I eyed the pieces and decided if I wanted to dip my toe into pet play. After a while, I decided that I would choose a few items and see how I liked it. So, I ended up deciding on a set of auburn fox ears and a matching tail while also choosing a set of black cat ears, a matching tail, and a black collar with a bell.

As I pulled the items out of the bag, I couldn't help but think of how the tails worked. Would I tie them around my waist? That seems kind of silly. Around my belt loop? Well what if I'm not wearing jeans? I turned to look at Chan, wondering how I would ask. "Um...Daddy? How do...how do the tails work?" Chan's face blushed over with a soft pink as he scratched the back of his neck. "Maybe we should come back to the tails another day, Baby." "But why? I want to try things on now." I pouted, looking specifically at the kitten set.

My thoughts were interrupted as Felix shouted from his room, "Jeongin! Your parents said to tell you goodnight!" "Thank you, hyung!" I glanced at my phone only to realize that it was almost midnight. "It is getting late, Baby, maybe we should go to bed." I feel like he's avoiding something. And I don't like that. "Daddy. What are you hiding from me?" "What do you mean?" "You don't want to talk about the tails and all of a sudden you don't want me to try anything on, even though ten minutes ago you were fine with it." "I just don't want to ruin you." Chan mumbled, his features soft and almost concerned. "I don't want to ruin your innocence." My innocence?

I looked down at the items and decided to open the box for the cat ears and tail. Chan watched me intently, watching for my reaction. The ears had hair clips on them so that you could place them wherever on your head, which I think is super cute. Taking the tail out, I became confused as I didn't see a string to tie the tail onto anything. But then I noticed something at the end of the tail. Is that...a butt plug?

My eyes went wide as they shot up to lock with Chan's. "I have to-You put that in-Oh gosh." I placed my hands over my burning face, embarrassed by the thought. "Baby boy, you can just wear the ears if that makes you more comfortable. Or we can return all of it." I uncovered my face and pouted. "But I don't wanna." I mumbled, eyeing the items sprawled out onto Chan's bed. "Baby I-" "Show me how, Daddy." His eyes went wide in surprise but they went dark shortly after. "I don't know about that, Baby Boy." I pouted, trying to put on my best puppy act with the pouty lip and big doe eyes.

All of the light in his eyes soon vanished and they became dark once again. It kind of scared me but intrigued me at the same time. Chan patted his lap, motioning for me to sit, and I obeyed. "Have you ever...you know." He softly traced circles onto my thigh. "Have you had sex, Baby boy?" I looked down at my lap, embarrassed, as I shook my head. "Hey, don't be shy. There's nothing wrong with that, okay?" I nodded, still not looking up at him. I can only imagine how well versed he is. He lifted my head up to have me look at him. "I don't care. I feel honored, in fact." A small smirk played on his lips. I smacked his arm as I giggled, causing him to smile at me.
"Well, butt plugs are a similar concept. It will feel uncomfortable at first, but it'll get better." I nodded, showing him that I understood. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He spoke softly, searching my eyes. I nodded, smiling warmly at him.

After Chan went and got a bottle of lube, he laid me down on his bed, playing with the hem of my boxers. "I'm gonna take these off, okay, Baby?" I nodded, my cheeks becoming warm. This is the first time I'll be exposed to Chan. The first time I'll be exposed to anyone. He slowly pulled my boxers off, revealing the fact that I was getting hard. I quickly covered myself up with my hands, my face burning in embarrassment. A smirk tugged on Chan's lips as he looked up at me. "Somebody is thinking naughty thoughts." I whined, turning my head away, earning a chuckle from him.

"This is going to be a bit cold and feel uncomfortable, but I can stop if you need me to." I nodded, still too embarrassed to look at him. I felt Chan's finger press against my entrance before he slowly pushed inside, causing me to gasp at the feeling. Chan was slow and gentle, probably because he's scared that he's gonna hurt me. After a few more thrusts, he inserted a second finger, which really hurt. I winced, biting my lip. "Baby, do I n-" "No...I'm okay." I breathed out, finally turning to look at him. His eyes were dark, clouded over with love and lust. Oh god...

Without warning, Chan began to move his fingers inside of me, scissoring me. My mouth fell open but I quickly covered my mouth with the back of my hand, not wanting to make any sounds in fear that Felix would barge in. That would not be fun to explain. I could see a sly grin on Chan's face but chose to ignore it, my mind clouded with euphoria.

Suddenly, I felt empty. I looked up to see Chan covering the butt plug in lube before turning towards me. He slowly eased the plug into my butt and holy shit did it hurt but feel so good at the same time. The plug wasn't very big, a standard little plug, but this is all foreign to me so everything feels large. I could feel the end of the plug rest against my butt. Sitting up, I locked eyes with Chan who was scanning my body with his hungry eyes. A blush fell over my cheeks as I pulled my over-sized shirt down, covering my torso and butt. The shirt rested about half way down my thighs. Judging by the look on his face, he wasn't too happy with my choice but didn't say anything.

I jumped off of his bed and ran over to his mirror, looking at the tail sway back and forth. It was peaking out from under my shirt and looked really cute. As I was admiring the tail, Chan walked up behind me, placing his hands on my hips. I looked up at him, meeting his gaze in the mirror. "What do you think?" I blushed once more, glancing at my tail before meeting his eyes again. "I love it, Daddy." Chan smiled at me, "I'm glad, Baby boy."

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