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To walk the path to reincarnation, it required passing by many other places. As Fei Qianchi walked falling the long line of others, he bypassed many. Yet, throughout this crowd, he did not see the man he was looking for.

As Fei Qianchi walked with fast steps, he continued to search for a man, his eyes darting in the crowd to no avail. He walked past many people, passing by many gates as he followed. He went through courts, his sins being revealed to him as he suffered the rightful punishmens for the sins he committed.

Fei Qianchi didn't know how many years passed as he went through each entrances. Though time passed, he was still unable to find a man within the crowd. Perhaps he had already reincarnated. Unlike him, Zhu Longwang was free of sins.

As Fei Qianchi walked along the dirt road, the crowd of people around him slowly thinned. There was a bridge ahead. Fei Qianchi looked at the bridge for a short second. He had already arrived. Taking a shape inhale, he slowly sighed as he looked upon the bridge that stretched over the River of Oblivion.

The River of Oblivion was true to its name. Passing this river and standing upon this bridge, he would be leaving a life behind. Fei Qianchi stopped, biting his lips as he turned around. He looked at the people that slowly walked forward, unable to find the person he was looking for.

Had he already reincarnated? Fei Qianchi did not want to reincarnate without the man. He wanted to wait. But having spent so much time looking for Zhu Longwang, he was still unable to find him. If Zhu Longwang already reincarnated, he didn't want to make the man wait for too long.

Thinking this, Fei Qianchi took one last glance as he turned back.

There was a woman by the bridge. It was an old woman. Her hair was gray with wrinkles upon her face. Sitting on a chair, she brewed a pot of tea as she lightly fanned it.

"Young man, come. Take a seat. I am Old Lady Meng." Old Lady Meng called out to Fei Qianchi with a gentle smile.

Looking at the chair, Fei Qianchi walked over and took a seat.

Old Lady Meng looked over him as she brewed the tea, carefully fanning it. "It seems that you have already cleansed yourself. The thick sin around you has dispersed." Old Lady Meng lightly brought up.

Fei Qianchi sat still, watching Old Lady Meng brew the tea. He knew what this tea was. A Cup of Oblivion to forget all memories. He wasn't ready.

"Don't be afraid. This will not harm you. You have experienced a sorrowful life thus far." Old Lady Meng's words were both gentle and soft, her elderly eyes smiling. Though old she was, her hands moved with outmost care. "Some memories are better being forgotten."

Fei Qianchi listened to her words. Old Lady Meng was both old and wise, having lived for thousands of years. Her words struck a core within him because they were true. Though he had memories he loved and treasured, there were many memories that haunted him.

"I... am afraid to forget everything." Fei Qianchi finally spoke up. His voice was hoarse, but it did not shake or tremble. He held his hands together under the table, watching Old Lady Meng.

Old Lady Meng smiled. "Who isn't afraid to forget all memories? But once a new life begins, this lifetime will merely remain as something of the past. Having such memories when you begin a new life will only serve to interfere with your Book of Fate. Rather than hold onto such sorrowful memories, why not forget it and begin a new life?"

Fei Qianchi lowered his head, biting his lips. He was afraid. He didn't want to forget this life, he didn't want to forget Zhu Longwang. But the memories of him killing his Senior Brothers and Sisters, his Master, and his Junior Sister was a curse that could not be reversed. It was a memory that would haunt him forever.

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