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Victor held a glass of wine in his hand as he chatted to a noble. Truthfully, he was just pretending to pay attention when he was really focused on something else. He knew that he could feel Mark's pheromones somewhere, but that guy wouldn't come and chat with him. After thinking it over, maybe it would be better if Victor just went up to him instead.

So after excusing himself, Victor walked towards Mark, who was hiding on the balcony, away from everyone else.

"Hey," Victor casually said as he walked to Mark's side. He could see Mark's side-profile as the man looked up towards the sky, the emotions in his eyes obscure.

Mark turned his face to the familiar figure by him, his heart jumping. "Hey." The only word he was able to say, his heart unable to calm.

Victor suddenly grinned, raising his brow as he said, "I'm guessing you don't like attending these formal banquets?" Victor carefully kept in ear out, wanting to know what Mark's answer would be.

Mark stopped for a second, choosing his answer before he replied, "I don't have a problem with it, I just don't like talking to people much. It was never a habit of mine to talk to other people much."

Victor was able to catch Mark's words and decided to play a joke. Winking, Victor said, "Then I'm a special case for you."

Suddenly, upon the very cold face of Mark's, Victor was able to see a very light blush on his ear. Unable to stop the feeling in his heart, Victor let out a laugh filled with brightness, a laugh that didn't shy away and was true to the heart.

"I'm just joking, don't worry. I'm sure it would be easier to talk to me than others, I am more outgoing than people would expect. Plus, I don't mind speaking with you, in fact, it's very enjoyable." Victor put on a smile, his eyes twinkled under the stars. From his eyes, an emotion of love was able to faintly show before it disappeared. His eyes looked straight into Mark's.

Mark couldn't help but to quickly turn his head away as Victor looked into his own eyes. He was panicking but on the outside, it didn't show.

Victor was unable to help the smile on his face as he teased Mark. This was actually much more fun than he would've thought. In this world, Mark was cold on the outside but a softie in the inside. This was the man he loved. This was the man who taught him how to love.

"You know, Mark, ever since I've return to A Nation, I've heard a lot about your achievements. Even my own bother deeply admires you. Around me, most people tell me about your achievements at such a young age. It is interesting to know that you have done so much." Victor's voice was low, but it couldn't hide the joking tone he was using. "Mark, do you intend to marry soon?"

Hit by the sudden question, Mark froze as he tried to answer. "I...it will depend." It will depend on what his heart decided because right now, his heart was in a bit of a mess. Replying so, his eyes turned to look at the carefree and wild Victor, whose image was but a ball of sunshine.

"I see," The twinkle within Victor's eyes were hard to hide, but he could care less about that. As his fingers gripped onto the glass of wine, he looked at the red color within it. Then, putting the glass against his lips, he downed the remaining liquid within it. The wine lingered on his lips, an intoxicating image displayed as his eyes were misty. "Then I wish you well, Mark, this was a great conversation."

As soon as Victor said his words, he turned around, heading back inside to join with the others.

Mark kept his eyes on Victor's back, disappearing from his view and mixing in with the crowd. Putting a hand over his heart, he closed his eyes, the image feeling ever so familiar to him. Being left alone, huh? What a crazy thought...

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