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The plot was progressing rather different compared to what Narisa Zeno knew but he just followed through with it. The teacher had explained more about what was happening today. The students of Shinaku would be coming to Takimura and they were going to have a friendly fight.

Part of the duel between these two schools were because of an old grudge from decades ago. Even today, the two schools were at one another's throat and the students also held a high dislike towards each other.

Takimura was huge, their school also focused highly on sports and other hobbies so the school had a huge stage that could fit a few thousand people.

Narisa Zeno looked at Seru Akita before looking at Tendou Yagami whom was dozing off.

They were already at the stage, sitting on the chairs as they waiting for Shinaku to arrive. Narisa Zeno had found a seat close to Seru Akita and Tendou Yagami.

Smiling to himself, Narisa Zeno leaned closer to Tendou Yagami as he whispered, "So, what are your thoughts so far?"

Tendou Yagami flinched from the sudden voice and turned his head to find Narisa Zeno close to him. He raised a brow as he asked, "About what?"

"You know, joining Lucifer?" Narisa Zeno asked, looking at Tendou Yagami to see his reaction.

Hearing the question, Tendou Yagami paused and thought about it. He didn't dislike the thought of joining Lucifer. He knew that Narisa Zeno didn't mistreat his members and he also knew that Lucifer rarely got into conflicts unless they have to.

Plus, it seemed like Narisa Zeno really wanted him to join. For what reasons, he didn't know but there was something fishy about the way Narisa Zeno acted around him. He kept staring at him with eyes filled with gushy feelings in them. Tendou Yagami knew that Narisa Zeno was trying to hide it but it wasn't going very well because Tendou Yagami was still able to see it.

Just as Tendou Yagami opened his mouth, the sound of footsteps were heard and the students of Takimura turned their hand in unison to look at the doors.

Shinaku's students walked in, dressed in their red uniforms while the Takimura were more relaxed and merely wore everyday clothes.

From the start, there was already high tension at the way the students glowered at one another. As the Shinaku students took their seats in their half of the room, the only thing stopping the two schools from battling it out was because they weren't allowed to do anything until the principals shook hands.

Narisa Zeno looked at Tendou Yagami whom returned back to looking at the stage and he could only shake his head with a light smile, patiently waiting for his answer. Narisa Zeno could wait, right now, he was next to that man and that's all that matters.

Two men walked onto the stage, one with a scar on his lips and another with a rather cocky smile. The two still looked young even in their late thirties, and even as they looked at one another, they couldn't hide their animosity towards each other.

Narisa Zeno watched the man with a smile, his eyes filled with wary. But it wasn't something bad, it was only because that man was his uncle. Narisa Fuchikawa, his father's older brother.

Narisa Fuchikawa looked at Shinaku's principal, Toma Ushifuwa with a gentle smile plastered on his face, though it looked taunting as his eyes revealed ridicule. "Welcome, Ushifuwa."

"Likewise. I assume everything has been well." Toma Ushifuwa replied with his stoic face.

"Surely. Shall I explain the rules?" Narisa Fuchikawa asked, his eyes looking at Toma Ushifuwa, whom stood half a head shorter than him.

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