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Andy sat inside the restaurant, opposite from Daniel, who was fidgeting like crazy.

You know what? This person couldn't be considered a scum, but more of a foolish idiotic male lead. Considering the fact that Daniel had never thought about the conversation between Rose and Theo, Andy knew that that was the hands of fate, or should he say, the world was trying to hide the original souls identity.

Maybe it could also be that the world was trying to hide Avian and continue to make him the pure and innocent person he was never going to be.

Andy just wanted to know who had read the information about this world, and if there were readers who sympathized with Avian, because if so, he was going to have some serious business to talk about. He was going to have some hands to throw.

Now, before Andy got sidetracked, he noticed that Daniel was very different from his cold face, and if anything, very alike to Xu Yongheng. If you don't think that was weird, then think again. Although Daniel had a cold looking face, he seemed to like smiling and was very gentle compared to what his face made him seem like.

Andy didn't mind much, after all, it was none of his business. Or at least he thinks so....

"So, for what reason did you want to talk with me?" Andy put down his menu, his eyes looking up straight towards Daniel, giving off an eerie glare.

Daniel finally turned to look up at Andy's expression, deep down, making up a lie.

"I wanted to talk over some details about our plan. There were some things that I was unsure about and wanted to talk over it with you. If it inconvenienced you in anyway, I apologize for that. It's just, I wanted to have a private conversation with you face to face." Daniel had a worried expression on, deep down, his heart was even more worried. Lies, lies, and lying, he was just waiting to get busted.

Daniel didn't mean to do this, but, he wanted to soften the way so that he could start talking about some personal matters with Andy. It wasn't the best way, but neither was just suddenly talking about some very personal things that could end up getting the opposite reaction to what Daniel wanted.

Andy was silent for a while, his eyes almost seeming to peer deep into Daniel's soul.

Daniel keep a calm composure, merely putting a light smile on. His eyes remained calm and composed, not letting out any other emotions slip through.

"I see......Well then, where do you want to start off?" Andy didn't give Daniel a moment to recompose and keep making lies, after all, if Daniel kept doing so, that meant that Andy wouldn't be able to play his part.

"I," Daniel's eyes moved a slight bit, a panic feeling in his heart before he calmed himself down. There was no need for him to be panicking, after all, he just needed to be careful. But, he still felt bad for lying. "Well, I wanted to know how we are going to recruit models. Since we have made quite a few different types of clothing for this collaboration, does it matter what kind of models we use?"

Andy moved his white-gloved-covered hand, using it to support his chin as his eyes closed for a bit, obviously thinking deeply. Not.......

"Models.......Any models would be fine. No matter if their reputation is big or small, I could care less about that. What I want them to have is ability, I want their skills to be at the top. In fact, they do not have to be a model who had debuted yet, so long as their ability to model is high. I trust that you would have an eye out for such things." Andy did make his sentence longer on purpose, obviously to tell that he wasn't going to ignore or shut Daniel out. Well, not that Daniel was even going to notice.

Daniel's eyes noticeably glittered a bit, the light shining from within them, and his light smile was very good to look at.

"I see then. Then, next thing I want to know about. Does it matter when we release new about our collaboration? Or do you already have a plan in mind?" Daniel didn't say much, after all, he knew that Andy must already be thinking of such things.

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