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2 years later, Victor stayed in this world. It was rather interesting to stay behind in a world after completing his mission, but he wanted to stay by Mark. It always brought up the thought of how things would've been had he stayed behind in the other worlds before this, but, at that time he still wasn't in love with the soul within each of the male leads.

It made sense though that the male lead would change whenever Victor took over a new body. But, that was in the past. Now, Mark was by him and that's all that matter.

2 years ago, after Ray waking up, Lucius had confessed his feelings. They got married one year later, much sooner compared Victor and Mark whom were still unwedded.

Raven had also changed, much to Victor's surprise. After helping the royal family take down the Blaxe family, Raven became a full time soldier, where he met Nix and later fell in love with him. They got married a little after Lucius and Ray had, and Raven was already pregnant. Five months along, Raven had now moved on in his life, and Victor was surprised to say that he got along well with Raven.

"Vic!" Lucius screamed excitedly as he ran up to Victor's side.

Victor looked at Lucius, "What are you doing here? I though you and Ray were going on a vacation." Victor quickly hugged Lucius as Lucius leaned in.

"We were going to do that, but Ray said that he had some important matters he had to finish with Mark. After becoming a general, he's gotten even busier. I don't know who to blame, but I think it's mostly you." Lucius pouted as he mumbled, his eyes playfully glaring at Victor. "Raven!"

Victor turned his head behind him where he saw Raven walking towards them, holding his stomach.

"It's a full party here today. Why's everyone gathered here?" Raven said as he smiled gently, a motherly look in his eyes.

"Ray and Mark are having a discussion with some other generals and soldiers. I'm assuming that Nix also got pulled in?" Victor said as he returned Raven's smile.

Raven merely shook his head at that, "Yes, I can't say much because it's his duties though." Raven returned a look at Lucius, "How's everything going on your side? I heard you talking about Ray."

Lucius suddenly seemed to remember his anger at that. "Don't even get me started on him. You know what, I have a lot to say, why don't we go into the castle so I can tell you everything."

Victor could only shake his head as he followed the two of them who were walking in front of him. It was weird how the two were able to mend their relationship after everything that had happened, but it wasn't that surprising.

For Victor, it was much harder to do these things. Once he deemed that someone was unworthy of being trusted, it could take forever for someone to try and change his opinion.

They kept walking and walking until they almost reached the garden when Lucius and Raven looked over to Victor.

"Why are you walking behind us? Come up here, Vic." Lucius said as he pulled one of Victor's hand up and raven pulled the other one.

Now, Victor was walking in front of them. Although he was cautious at first he dismissed it soon later. Walking into the entrance of the garden, he paused for a second.

"Come on, Victor, we don't have any traps set up, you can go in without being so wary." Raven reassured Victor as he gently pushed him in. Raven sent a knowing smile towards Lucius as they looked at each other.

As Victor walked inside, there was a pathway set up for him. It wasn't petals of roses but buds of peach blossoms that guided him as he continued walking. His heart pounded against him, reminding him of what Daniel had done too. Except in that life, Victor had left. This life was different though, he wasn't going to leave.

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