6.1 Till Even Time Ends

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Fei Qianchi opened his eyes, gasping a breath out.

[Host, you have entered your sixth world. In this world, I will be unable to help you anymore as the levels have gotten too high for me to accompany you. That being said, you will have to rely on yourself and the memories of the past body. You will still get a reminder for the percentage of the love meter, but that will be it.]

Fei Qianchi was a bit confused, but he also knew that ahead of time because of Fei Shang's reminder from before.

(I understand, Fei Shang. Please stay safe.)

[I will be fine, Host, thank you for your words. Goodbye, Host, I hope that everything goes smoothly in this world too.)

With that, Fei Qianchi heard a dinging sound in his head and knew that Fei Shang had really left. He wondered how things were progressing in Fei Shang's world. Fei Shang has been busy and gone for most of the time even in the last world too.

Just as he was thinking this, a string of information passed into Fei Qianchi's mind.

This world was a world where vampires existed in a country similar to China but not. Though existing, the vampires and humans were still very against one another. Vampires killed humans, using them as a food source while humans had their own vampire hunters to kill the vampires.

The main character was a human, Su Heliang. Su Heliang was a normal student attending a normal college. He had decent grades, nothing too spectacular. He had a normal household, not a soppy sad life story. But this wouldn't be a mission if his normal life was not interrupted.

One day, while Su Heliang was on his way back from his part-time job after school, he finds a vampire, Wen Zhuhei, the Male Lead, in an alley bleeding to death.

Like all main characters, even though Su Heliang was wary, he still saved and took Wen Zhuhei back to his small apartment and healed him. When Wen Zhuhei awoken, he nearly attacked Su Heliang but upon realizing that Su Heliang had saved him, he stopped himself.

Like how a lot of stories unfold, Su Heliang explains himself to Wen Zhuhei, telling the vampire to live at his home until he heals.

Wen Zhuhei, with a high level of suspicion, agreed as he was too injured to move around freely. They spent roughly two weeks together as they slowly fell in love with each, even though Fei Qianchi didn't understand how.

But, a conflict has to arise. Su Heliang's friend, Qi Wuliao, who Su Heliang thought was ordinary, was actually a vampire hunter. To make matters worse, he was the same vampire hunter who had tried to kill Wen Zhuhei. To make matters even more worse, Qi Wuliao loved Su Heliang. He was the friend who secretly loved his friend, because some stories always had them, the man who the main character thought was a friend but was someone who loved them instead.

So, Qi Wuliao tricked Su Heliang into feeding a poison, only poisonous to vampires, to Wen Zhuhei. Wen Zhuhei is left on the verge of life and death after consuming the poison and Su Heliang is left with heartbreak realizing that he had fell for Qi Wuliao's trick. He was also very sad that his friend had betrayed and lied to him all this time.

Su Heliang seeks out a man who Wen Zhuhei had always talked about, one of the vampire lords, Chen Xueyi.

Su Heliang was able to get in contact with Chen Xueyi somehow. He begged Chen Xueyi to help Wen Zhuhei, to which Chen Xueyi merely laughed and refused.

But, the main character always has a card up their sleeve, even though it seemed weird.

Su Heliang had an old relic from his grandfather that he offered to Chen Xueyi. When Chen Xueyi looked over it, he realized it was a vampiric artifact to strengthen their bodies. Chen Xueyi agreeed to the deal and healed Wen Zhuhei.

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