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There was a silence as everyone watched Narisa Zeno and Seru Akita walk to Tendou Yagami's side. Nasida Yuki and Furitari Yasaki gulped, their body tensing more as they realized that something has changed.

Narisa Zeno walked towards the two boys whom had been fighting, his 187 centimeters build towered above most, only Tendou Yagami was his height, Seru Akita was shorter by two centimeters. Standing there, everyone was able to easily see him when he was one of the tallest in the room.

Standing next to Tendou Yagami now, Narisa Zeno put a hand into the pocket of his opened jacket, his eyes narrowing ever so lightly.

As he stopped, his body automatically let out an intense aura, an aura that felt as if he was close to beating someone up. But he didn't, he nodded his head as Tendou Yagami turned to him. Then, he turned to Seru Akita who was on his left. "Go get Ushi Hina. We will begin."

Seru Akita smiled at once, a grin that almost appeared devious as he licked his teeth, "On it." Then, as he looked at Nasida Yuki, he smiled as he winked and turned away to find Ushi Hina.

Narisa Zeno watched as Seru Akita walked away. Then he turned to Tendou Yagami who had remained silent. "Did you do anything yet?"

Tendou Yagami merely said, "No, they stopped before I was able to do anything." Saying so, he sent a glare at the two whose backs were still bent and not looking up.

Everyone around them were still gather, only now, no one was willing to make a noise, much less even breathe.

"You two, how's the situation on Karma and Kaneki's side?" Narisa Zeno wasn't going to get physical yet. He was beginning his plan now, he needed to be meticulous with his actions. Plus, if he did beat them up, Suon Karma and Noru Kaneki were going to find him too.

Nasida Yuki and Furitari Yasaki looked at each other for a second, as if they were waiting to see who would answer first. As they finally straightened up and looked at Tendou Yagami and Narisa Zeno, Nasida Yuki was the first to reply.

"He's been well," Nasida Yuki didn't say much, almost biting his lips as he saw Tendou Yagami's eyes narrow. He couldn't help it as his hand rubbed his wrist, almost as if the pain had come back. "Kaneki hasn't been doing much..."

"Karma has been well too, he is trying to stay down for the moment." Furitari Yasaki responded, his eyes dilated as he said so and turned to look at a different angle.

"I see," Narisa Zeno said as Tendou Yagami turned to him.

"Do you need me to do anything?" Tendou Yagami asked as he turned over to Narisa Zeno.

Truthfully, there was no need for him to hide the fact that he was now in Lucifer. He was thankful to Narisa Zeno for it though, but he knew that it would only remain like that for a while before it was exposed.

Narisa Zeno shook his head lightly as he replied, "No, at least not for now. I will see the situation first. I've already spent a month waiting, I'm sure that by now, the others are skeptical about what my next actions are."

And that was true. He had kept quiet for one month, letting the other three gangs run wild with whatever they were doing. All of it was spent checking to see every rule they had broken from the peace plan they had first signed. Narisa Zeno watched from the side as everyone clamored to get Tsukki Ren to join them, Lucifer stayed as silent as possible throughout this.

Narisa Zeno had also been checking out the person who was supposedly coming for him, and getting all the hints possible about the robberies and thieveries happening around him. Now, he was sure that one of the person from that gang was hiding in their school and investigating them. He wasn't sure who it was just yet, but he had an idea.

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