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Kai's pov
The supermarket

"Didn't think you would be so serious about this whole makeup thing" I chuckle. Katsuki was insulting every box of eye shadow cause it wasnt worthy enough or some shit like that. "And how do you know the good apart from the bad like I just see the pretty colors and take it"

"Are you dumb?! How the fuck did your friend teach you about makeup? Such an embarrassment dont say that again"

"Uhm its makeup theres a difference"

"Just like I said, you embarrass me dont come near me"

"I'm that far gone huh"

"Yep permanently damaged with no sign if hope"

I clutch my hand at the level of my heart and i dramatically say "oh mi lord have mercy and teach me the knowledge you so wisely bare"

"Where did the British accent come from idiot?"

"Like I said im a natural, also it served its purpose it made it more dramatic didn't it" I say tilting my head.

"I aint gonna teach your disgraceful ass"

"Oh come on it would make my disgraceful ass happy"

"Ugh fine" he glares "but you better understand from the first time got it you buffoon" he says buffoon with a British accent which makes me laugh harder than I should've.

An hour and a half of having information forced into me I finally felt the weight off my shoulders as katsuki was paying for the stuff we got. Studying with him was fun but also terrifying in a way i couldn't explain.

"Shit" he says


"Where the fuck are we going?"

"Oh shit I didn't think of that"

"I would've suggested my apartment but my old hag is there"

"Old hag?"

"YeAh oLd HaG. Shut the fuck up"

"We could go to mine"


"Well I live alone no old hags there"

He holds up his fist but I wrap my hand around it. "You dont want this pretty face to get wrecked before you work on it" I say with a grin

"Shut your cocky ass or ill start from here with a technique called a punch. It blends your cockiness and stupidity together... great base in my opinion"

I laugh "well before we do that, come on lets go to the bus stop before its too late" I grab him by the wrist and I start running. I think about checking his pulse no he's not your enemy you're okay he's not your enemy your okay...

I repeat those in my head over and over again. 

I check the time once we reach the bus stop. 4:45 shit

I look at Bakugo with a guilty smile.

"Oh my god what now?" He groans. Shiit shiiiiiiit

"I am so sorry"

"What the fuck? What happened"

"We missed the bus"




"you sure?"

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