oi dumbass what happened

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3rd pov
Kai's house

Some of the students arrived with small  selfmade dishes and desserts to add onto the table.

It was the first time any of them had ever set foot in his house except for sero and bakugo. Sero mainly came over to watch anime or read manga.

And there she was. Mina ashido. Alone with denki and sero who was holding a box containing sweets.

"Oh hey its great to meet you im kai" he looks at ashido with a warm smile but the smile wasnt resiprocated.

She looked at him with a frown, a frown that cut through his soul.

"Um is everything okay? I- welcome you can get in. Um- your friends dont stop talking about you its really an-"

"Cut the bullshit"

"I- what?"

"Ive seen you somewhere"

"Well, mina. If of course i can call you that, maybe i look like someone? Your friends all mistook me for a dead person so maybe thats it?"

"Hey M cut him some slack why are you being rude?" Kirishima put his hand around her shoulder happily.

"I- im sorry i dont know what got over me you do look like a friend maybe its that" she laughs it off but kai was on the edge of hos seat not knowing why she would act that way.

"Oh its totally fine" he smiles again "um make yourself at home" he glances over to sero and kaminari who were sitting on the kitchen counter talking with bakugo who was getting stuff out if the oven angrily. "They sure are"

She laughs and kirishima sighs out of relief. He got scared for a second.

"If youll excuse me" kai bows jokingly and goes to talk to midorya and ururaka who looked so fascinated by the drawings on the wall. "Yellow"

The sudden hello startled the two but they quickly laughed it off. "I love your paintings, did you draw them?"

"Heh yeah it was a long time ago though i dont draw a lot now"

"Oh what a shame they look amazing!" Ururaka says with a smile, that even though kai couldnt believe it, was brighter than dekus.

"Yeah i kind of just gave up on drawing on canvases, id rather draw on copybooks."

"Oh i draw sometimes, like when i analyse a hero's costume or their powers."

Kai knew that midorya liked heroes, but it was never mentioned that he aspired to be one. Non of them mentioned it.

He didnt give his broccoli friend's addiction too much thought, since he thought it was a pure admiration.

"Youll have to show me that one day" kai responds with a smile.

Bakugo was closely listening. He had never hung out with kai when he was with his other classmates. It was mostly the two of them or kirishima would sometimes join in.

He awas baffled at how much he changed his personality when talking to different people. He was never nice and calm with bakugo, and he was never cocky and sarcastic towards deku and ururaka.

"Hey guys dinners ready!" Kirishima yells from the kitchen and a sudden cheer gets out of the students mouths. They were all starving.

They all sot down in the living room just talking about everything and anything.

There were some funny dorm stories about bakugo. They rememberred the time kaminary sneezed and burned the power outlet which had to be fixed.

They remembered the times when sero would tape minetta to the wall just for fun. They told him about the day when midorya had forgotten to wear shoes and noticed when he arrived to class.

They also rememberred the time where kirishima and bakugo were out for ice cream with kai and balugo was yelling and kiri and him while they were crying over their fallen ice cream. A few moments later bakugo joined the two after dropping his.

Kai also told the story of how he and bakugo tried putting on makeup on each others faces and finally admitted that his was hedious.

Mina snapped and looked at bakugo with shock "SO THAT NIGHT?" she says as she points her finger at kai then bakugo.

"OH SHUT UP PINKY PIE" bakugo yelled back.

"Why what happened?" Midorya was now smiling, curious of what they were talking about.

"Oh its super funny, bakuhoe came to the dorms and calle-"

"Bakuhoe" kai cut her off laughing at bakugo for having such a nickname "sorry go on" he gestures her to continue but still smirked at the name.

"Yeah so he called me and told me to come up with some makeup remover. So you can imagine my surprise when i got to bakugo's room and saw him with a shit ton of makeup smered on his flustered little face."

"Katsuki couldnt handle being pretty thats all" kai joked looking at balugo with an evil smirk.


"sure you are katsuki"


"Wohohoho alright that enough bakugo" kirishima laughed nervously knowing what bakugo was going to say next.

They started talking again, but in their minds, everyone was shocked about how bakugo and kai were on a first name basis. Mina smirked at the idea of her friend dating the boy. They looked good together.

Kai's pov

The night was going great. Everyone was laughing and everyone looked satisfied with their food.

Mina surprised me though. Everyone was telling me that she was a sweetheart and a very warm person, but never in my life have i seen such a look. It was filled with hatered and resentment, maybe it was the dead friend thing but it was still nerve-wrecking.

Im happy she warmed up though, shes really funny once you get out of the 'i hate you cause you have my friends face faze'

I was making fun of katsuki with sero when a sharp pain hits my head and i fail to hide it. It was a sudden pain and i couldnt help but hold onto my head squinting.

"Um excuse me for a second" i tell broccoli and tap on his knew a couple times before i get to my room.

I quickly shut the door ignoring the people calling out my name.

"Ah fuck" i whisper looking through my drawers "where the fuck is it" i was looking for the meds.

"Ah shit come on come o-ah" i rest my palms on the dresser and my head drops resting midair, my shoulders stiff. I couldnt find the fucking meds. I

"oi dumbass the fuck happened?"

(A/N) heyy its me, i just realised today that i have more than 600 reads and oh my lord is that a lot. Like thank you so much, i wrote this as a joke and i didnt know that it was going to get so big.

I also want to put out pictures of what the house looks like so if you wanna see that ill put it out soon.

Im also preparing to write two books about bnha so yeah

But i really cant thank you guys enough, this meant a lot to me. This book means a lot to me and im looking forward to write the big reveal.

Thanks a lot ♡♡♡

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