You're Too Good To Me

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Frank walked to Gerard's house with a smile plastered in his face, he couldn't wait to share the good news with Gerard.

Frank finally got into a great performing arts school in New York, he had been wanting to go since he was 14.

Frank and Gerard were now graduated and awaiting to go to college or uni.

The difference between Gerard and Frank is that Franks parents are extremely rich and Gerard's dad is working a minimum wage job and can nearly hold the roof over their heads.

When Frank got to the door he knocked and waited for a answer.

Gerard's dad opened the door and smiled sadly at Frank "hey Frank, come on in"

Frank walked in and took his shoes off "usually Gerard opens the door, it's great to see you again"

Donald sighed "yeah Gerard's not in a great mood" he said as he held a letter up to Frank.

Frank read the first two lines before frowning "oh poor Gerard" he whispered.

Gerard applied for an art school but they didn't accept him "yeah he's not doing so great, he was more upset because you guys were gonna move in together if you both got into your schools, did you get into yours"

Frank put the letter onto the coffee table and nods his head, Donald smiled at him "well good for you son, I'm sure Gerard will be very proud of you too"

Frank nods his head "thank you, I'm gonna go see how Gerard is doing"

Frank walked towards Gerard's room and opens the door slowly, Gerard clutched onto a pillow with his back to the door.

Frank sighed sadly and walked into the room "hey baby" he said.

Gerard sniffles "hi Frankie" he whispered back, Frank sat on the bed and rubbed Gerard's arms comfortingly "I'm sorry Gerard"

Gerard started to cry again making Franks look down at him sadly "come here baby" he whispered as he leaned over Gerard, he turned onto his back of Frank could hold him properly "I'm so sorry baby, they are total morons for not accepting you, you're the most talented artist I've ever met" he whispered as Gerard sobbed onto his shoulder.

"I'm not, I'm terrible, that's why they didn't accept me"

Frank furrowed his eyebrows and gasped "hey hey hey, don't say that, don't you ever say that, you are so talented baby, so so so talented, some people just don't know it yet, one day you'll be famous for your art"

Gerard sniffles "do you really think so" he whispered half hopefully half sadly.

Frank smiled "of course I think so" he said as he kissed the side of Gerard's head "did you get into your performing arts school"

Frank sighed and nods his head, Gerard's bottom lips shook "I-I'm proud of you Frankie" he said shakily "it may not seem like it but I really am" he whispered.

Frank pulled away and climbed into the bed with him "it'll be alright baby, I promise, you can still move in with me, we can still have a new chapter together"

Gerard shook his head "but it won't be like we planned, I'll have to go and get a shitty job, besides I don't think I'd be able to pay for it anyway" he whispered, it saddened Frank to see his boyfriend like this, he kept trying to cheer him up but it wouldn't work.

Franks eyes widened at an idea that came to his head "don't worry baby, it's all gonna work out, I promise"


A week later Gerard was surprised and confused to see a letter through the door from the same school he just got rejected from.

Frank walked into the house with a smile, Donald was out and Gerard told Frank to just walk right in.

"Hey baby" he said as he kissed Gerard's cheek, Gerard turned to Frank and held the envelope between his index and middle finger "I got this letter but I'm confused, I thought I didn't get accepted"

Frank put his arm around Gerard's shoulders "open it babe" he said with a smile.

Gerard looked up at Frank curiously before opening the letter, Frank watched with a smile as Gerard's confused face turned into a happy grinning face "you told them to reconsider" he asked as he looked at Frank.

Frank smiled and nods his head proudly, Gerard put the letter down and wrapped his arms around Franks shoulders tightly "you're too good to me, I fucking love you, thank you so much" he whispered, happy tears falling down his face.

Frank held Gerard tight "after I went home I just hated how upset you were and I called them up, told them that they were making a big mistake not accepting you and the next thing I know I've payed for your first 2 years" he said with a smile.

Gerard gasped and shook his head "I'll never be able to pay you back, Frankie why did you do this"

Frank pecked Gerard's lips and pulled away slightly "because you never le me give up on my dream, so I'm not letting you give up on yours"

Gerard took Franks hand tight and dragged him through to his bedroom "sex, we need to have sex" Gerard said quickly as he shut the door.

Frank chuckled as Gerard pushed him onto the bed and climbed onto his waist "I love you so much, I need to be close with you" Gerard whispered before pressing his lips against Franks.

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