Coming Home?

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"So you'll be home in time for Miles' birthday on Saturday" Gerard asked nervously, his husband, Frank, was in the army and it had been 7 months since they had all saw each other.

"Yes darling I'll be home for his birthday party" Frank said with a large grin on the other side of the phone.

Gerard can't help but grin too "ok babe, I'll see you in two days, I love you" he said excitedly making Frank chuckle "I love you too angel face"

And with that they hung up, Gerard went to go pick Miles up from kindergarten and was very excited to tell Miles the good news.


It was now Saturday and Gerard was so excited to see Frank again, at the moment he hadn't arrived yet but Miles was happy bouncing around on the bouncy castle with his friends and his cousins, Ray and Mikey brought their two kids, Pete and Patrick also brought their two kids.

"So when is Frank meant to be here" Mikey asked making Gerard smile "I dunno but I don't care as long as I get to see him"

Just then Miles got off the bouncy castle and ran over to Gerard "is papa here yet"

Gerard chuckled "not yet sweetheart, he'll be here soon"

But it then grew too late, it was kinda dark outside and it was getting cold, Gerard watched as all the other kids bounced around and had fun while Miles stood in the corner and watched everyone.

Gerard called Miles over but he wouldn't move, Gerard crawled onto the bouncy castle as best he could and pulled Miles into his arms "I'm sorry sweetheart"

Miles sniffles "I thought papa was coming home, has he forgotten about us" he asked as his bottom lips started to shake.

Gerard gulped as he held back his own tears "of course not sweetheart, he's just running a little late" he said with a shaky voice, Miles broke down and clung to Gerard "he's not coming dad, he forgot about us"

Gerard shook his head as tears fell down his face "he hasn't forgot us son, he's just running late I promise"

"I don't wanna be on this anymore" Miles said making Gerard carry him off.

Everyone apart from the kids looked at Gerard and Miles sadly knowing that the day wasn't as good without Frank there.

The two of them didn't stop the other kids from playing, Miles just wasn't up to it anymore.

Gerard sat down and let Miles sit on his lap and cuddle into him, there were lights strung up in the back garden so it would stay bright enough until the kids were home.

"I miss papa" Miles whispered as he clung to Gerard, Gerard bites his lip as tears burned his eyes "I miss him too"

Little did they know, Frank had just walked into the house, he looked around and noticed that no one was inside so he slowly walked out into the kitchen where Mikey was grabbing a can of lemonade.

He gasped when he saw Frank and Frank silenced him "I know I'm late, I was trying to get here as fast as I could, just shhhhhh"

Mikey looked out the window to look at Gerard who was looking extremely down as he held Miles.

Frank also looked out the window and sighed "I made them so sad and today was meant to be a great day" he said sadly, Mikey shook his head "today hasn't been the best because we all watched Gee and Miles get sadder and sadder but you can make this better just by walking out there" Mikey said as he pushed Frank towards the door.

Frank opened it slowly as some pairs of eyes set on him, then more eyes set on him and a couple of gasps caught Gerard and Miles attention, Frank took his hat off and smiled nervously "sorry I'm late but I couldn't disappoint my son on his birthday"

Miles jumped off Gerard's lap and ran over to Frank "papa I'm missed you so much" he sobbed out as Frank picked him up "I missed you too buddy"

After around a minute of hugging Frank out Miles down, he looked at Gerard and smirked "come here you" he said as he beckoned Gerard over with his index finger.

Gerard smiled as happy tears fell down his face, he hugged Frank tight and burrows his face into his neck "I love you so much Frank, I knew you wouldn't let us down" he whispered making Frank smile "I could never let my family down"

Gerard pulled back a little and put his hands on the sides of Franks face "you're so amazing Frankie, I've missed you so much"

Frank caressed Gerard's cheek as best he could "I've missed you too, gimme a kiss" he whispered.

Gerard smiled and pressed his lips against Franks roughly before pulling away a couple seconds later.

Miles walked over to them and wrapped his arms around Franks legs "can I wear your hat" he asked making Frank smile and let go over Gerard "of course you can, go play some more, I'll be here waiting" everyone clapped and cheered which made Frank and Gerard smile.

Miles smiled as Frank put the hat on his head, he ran off leaving Gerard and Frank.

Frank slid his hand into Gerard's and pulled him into the house, Gerard stood in the middle of the living room as Frank shut the door.

"Come here" Frank whispered making Gerard giggle and run into his arms.

They held each other tight, the only noise being the party outside "I love you" Frank said as he pulled his head back, Gerard looked at Frank with a massive grin "I love you too" he whispered before pressing his lips against Franks.

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