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(Little Frankie, Daddy Gerard)

Frank woke up at 3am with a sigh, he shook Gerard making him grunt and open his eyes "daddy" he whispered making Gerard groan "baby it's 3am, I've got work in 3 hours" he whispered making Frank whine.

"I want ice cream"

Gerard's eyes snapped open "we're not doing this again baby boy, go back to sleep"

Frank huffed and climbed out of the bed, Gerard sigh "Frank Iero-Way! Get back into bed right now"

Gerard didn't like raising his voice with Frank and he knew that, Frank knew Gerard was a push over and got away with a lot but Gerard will not stand for it anymore.

Gerard got out of bed and stomped into the kitchen where Frank was leaving g over the counter with a spoon and the tub of ice cream in front of him.

Gerard turned Frank around roughly and took the spoon from his hand "you better go back through to that bedroom and go back to sleep otherwise you'll spend a week sleeping in the spare room, no sleeping next to daddy, no sex, no cartoons or anything" Franks eyes were wide as Gerard yelled at him.

Gerard took a deep breath "now go back to bed" he said calmly.

Frank gulped and nods his head before walking out very quickly, sniffling as he walked back to the bedroom.

Gerard sighed and put the ice cream away before going back to the bedroom, Frank sat on the edge of the bed and played with his fingers nervously.

Gerard shut the door and laid down in bed, Frank didn't move, he was too afraid.

"Baby boy, come lay down next to daddy" he whispered, Frank sniffles and shook his head.

Gerard worriedly sat up and went over to the side of the bed "please don't hurt me" Frank whispered, he shook as he held back the sobs.

Gerard gasped and put his arm around Franks shoulders "Frankie, no I'm not your ex boyfriend from 6 years ago, I'm your husband of 2 years and I've known you for 23 years, I'd never ever do that to you, I watched that asshole beat and destroy you, I will never ever do that do you"

Frank nods his head and wrapped his arms around Gerard's ribcage tight, Gerard kissed the side of Franks head and held him tight "come on baby boy, let's lay down" Gerard whispered and laid back with Frank in his arms.

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