i dare you

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you watched him standing across the room. his face lighting up. he was laughing at a joke while you stood there begging for him to look at you. to say a word with his eyes. an "i recognize you're here," but there was nothing. he was too caught up in another conversation to notice you. the sound of parents clinking glasses, teenagers huddled in corners talking about new rebellions, and neil perry smiling across the room.

your parents were throwing a dinner party for their 20th anniversary. their friends were already halfway drunk, along with your parents themselves, and neil was interacting with one of those familiar drunks. cameron was talking to you about school but you were too focused on neil to hear his conversation. he was background noise.

"we all see you staring at him." charlie appeared behind you and rested his hand on your back.

"he clearly doesn't," you crossed your arms, "i just wish he would speak to me."

neil had broken up with you two weeks ago. your parents refused to un-invite the perry's to their dinner party so you were left with a constant pit in your stomach. you lied to everyone by saying it was mutual but you could mark it as one of the worst days of your life. the way he yelled was still ringing in your ear.

"you never fight him neil! what do you expect to happen?"

"leave me alone! he's not your father. you don't have to live with him everyday."

"you don't live with him, neil. you live at welton!"

"i live with the weight of being his son!"

he finally ended his conversation with your parents friend and let his eyes wander around the room. you could tell he was looking for a friend or an excuse out of your house. charlie was still there with his hand on your back, while cameron was still talking about school. you wished the noise would stop so you could focus on neil. you missed him. you missed the way he rubbed your temples whenever you complained of a headache, which was something that you had now. you missed how he grinned as you stood on the stage pretending to be puck. you missed everything about him.

you left the two boys standing on your side and walked to the backyard. directly past neil. you wanted him to see you. you wanted him to think about what he had lost. you walked past him quickly,  but were oblivious to how his eyes followed you.

the cool autumn air was refreshing on your hot face. it was so hot in that house. there were too many people talking about things that never mattered. country clubs, law cases, children's accomplishments. you hated it in stuffy vermont. you wanted a more exciting life somewhere and you wanted that life with neil. you both had planned out out your future together, but that was all thrown down the drain

"there was no trip to chicago after all?"

"y/n, listen to me."

"i knew it. i fucking knew it."

"he wouldn't have understood!"

you remember those days like the back of your hand. you kissed him after the play before his father could tear him away. he was distracted and scared. he drove away in the car giving everyone a solemn look. your phone rang around midnight with an anxious neil on the other side of the phone.

"i need you. please."

"neil, it's midnight. what's wrong?"

"meet me at the cave."

he arrived at the cave frantic. he told you everything his father had planned. tears were running down his red cheeks. you were so angry with his father. you were angry that it had gotten to this point.

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